• @[email protected]
    -74 months ago

    And what was the point? At best, it’s being a a useful idiot for conservatives, as this isn’t being reported as pro-Gaza, but as anti-Biden.

    • @[email protected]
      124 months ago

      And what was the point?

      The point is that running against someone worse doesn’t give anyone a free pass to actively support crimes against humanity.

      Just because we vastly prefer him over the other guy doesn’t mean we have to pretend that he can do no wrong and meekly accept that he’s complicit in some of the worst atrocities being committed in the world right now.

      this isn’t being reported as pro-Gaza, but as anti-Biden.

      Because the billionaire-owned MSM, like you, has an enormous pro-Biden bias and is married to the false dichotomy of “other guy worse means our guy blameless”

      “Better than Trump” is far too low a bar for anyone of importance, much less one of the most powerful and influential human beings in the world.

      • @[email protected]
        -94 months ago

        Just because we vastly prefer him over the other guy doesn’t mean we have to pretend that he can do no wrong and meekly accept that he’s complicit in some of the worst atrocities being committed in the world right now.

        Who says you can’t? I don’t like Biden, either. But making him look weak just pushes us toward another Trump term.

        Because the billionaire-owned MSM, like you, has an enormous pro-Biden bias and is married to the false dichotomy of “other guy worse means our guy blameless”

        Lol, do you think the media has a pro-Biden bias? Quite the opposite. Biden misspeaks about some foreign leader, and the media rushes to print “Is Biden too senile?” while Trump forgets his wife’s name and you get crickets from the MSM. The MSM regularly buries negative Trump stories while amplifying anything to make you question Biden. This reporting is proof of that. I do not get how you think reporting that this vote is anti-Biden is somehow pro-Biden.

        “Better than Trump” is far too low a bar for anyone of importance, much less one of the most powerful and influential human beings in the world.

        It is, but it is the only bar we have. Again, this is shaping up to be 2016 all over again. People don’t like the Dem, so they stay home and let Trump eke out a narrow victory.

        • @[email protected]
          94 months ago

          So many fucking words to just reiterate the same false dichotomy and spout Trump-like false martyrdom claims 🤦

          • @[email protected]
            -34 months ago

            What false dichotomy? Dichotomy might be the best definition for our 2 party system. We indeed have an actual dichotomy.

            Yes, I’d rather have a different choice. There certainly isn’t a dichotomy of ideas. But when it comes down to it, Biden and Trump will be the only legitimate choices on the ballot.

            • @[email protected]
              4 months ago

              The false dichotomy is that all mentions of either of them boil down to either “Trump bad so Biden good” or “Biden bad so Trump good”.

              It’s lazy, it’s disingenuous and it destroys all hope of keeping elected officials from your own “team” accountable for their words, actions and lack of both.

                • @[email protected]
                  4 months ago

                  Your automatic dismissal of any criticism of him as bad faith attempts to “make him look bad” sure as hell is.

                  You even said verbatim that it all IS a dichotomy just now!

                  • @[email protected]
                    -24 months ago

                    The ELECTION is a dichotomy. But you know what, you don’t want to debate in good faith. Enjoy 4 more years of Trump, because that is what is coming with these attitudes.

    • @Tremble
      54 months ago

      Nah see I am playing 3-d chess. By not voting for Trump, it is the same as voting for Biden.

      I learned that from all the democrats on lemmy.

      • @[email protected]
        -24 months ago

        It is a half vote for each, then,

        Just ask yourself, would you rather 4 more years of Biden or Trump? That is the only important question.

        • @Tremble
          4 months ago

          I’ve already asked myself these questions.

          About twenty years ago I made the hard decision to never vote for a self identifying neoliberal president. I made this decision after reading years of articles proving that neoliberal economic policies not only don’t work, but make the problems worse. I did vote for Obama so I guess it’s technically been less than 20 years. When the DNC decided and argued in court they are not beholden to voters, nor are they required to follow their own established rules, that’s what finally gave me the courage to stand by my conviction on this issue.

          I vote every election, every year and every primary.

          Thankfully I live in a state that was purple but has since gone blue. Biden will get our electoral points for my state I am hopeful. But I’m not going to bubble in either Biden nor Trump.

          If you feel your decision is the answer to what you believe is the only important question, then vote for who you feel that you must. I do see your point. But I believe there are more important questions that I regularly ask myself and base who I vote for on that.