So I’ve been defending democracy quite a bit - currently level 22.

In the past week or so, I’ve noticed a spawn rate bug that seems to happen randomly - enemies just spawn forever.

I’ve seen this happen for the bots and bugs, on both challenging and hard. Just randomly out on the map you’ll encounter a patrol, then suddenly you’re entirely surrounded.

Using stratagems constantly, getting 30+ kills each one you throw, and still the enemies never stop coming.

No, this is not a bot drop/breach, it’s constant patrols spawning right on top of your group. On some areas the bots do hop off a ship, but as soon as the first ship leaves another comes to take its place. Talking 4 or 5 hulks/chargers at a time spawning within a minute. Destroying the ship just makes the next one come faster.

Once it happened midway through a mission and one of my squadmates got kicked - the spawns instantly slowed and the remaining 3 of us were able to stop them from spawning not 60 seconds later. Squadmates joined back and we were back to normal. I know this is a one-off as the missions prior to/after this one were no problem.

Anyone else have something similar happen?

  • LaserTurboShark69
    7 months ago

    I’m not sure if it’s a bug or if it’s just poorly balanced but yeah sometimes my squad will have to abandon an objective because an absolutely overwhelming amount of enemies will spawn. I notice it moreso with the Automatons but maybe that’s just because swarms of Bugs are a bit easier to deal with.

    It kinda seems like patrols keep showing up which means breaches/drops keep happening. Maybe they should change it so patrols will avoid you if you’re already engaged in 2-3 breaches/drops.

    • Cyanogenmon@lemmy.worldOP
      7 months ago

      I don’t think it’s breaches/drops, at least in an intended manner.

      The last bot spawn bug that happened to us, we as a group destroyed 5 drop ships and they were IMMEDIATELY replaced. 5 ships.

      That cannot be intentional. I think some of it is bugged out drops/breaches. They don’t actually stop coming. That said it’s easier to notice with the bots since they come from above but the bugs seem to just be infinite patrols.

      To clarify, this is not on the saving personnel missions - just pure ICBMs, destroy eggs, etc.

      7 months ago

      I think it’s the breaches too, as the patrols get alerted they call for reinforcements if not dealt with immediately that reinforcement just started calling for backup and in a few seconds that one will too.

      So if you start with two or more patrols you’re guaranteed a third and that’s not factoring in new patrols that I think are spawning more frequently as the mission goes on.