• the post of tom joad
    4 months ago

    No, no, NO! voters need to understand that democracy demands sacrifice. Stupid, uneducated and selfish voters should grow up and learn that their problems, their dreams and desires aren’t representative of the country’s, the vast majority of which is center-right somehow.

    Democracy is when you hold your nose, put your own desires in the back seat, and vote for who you’re told to.

    Anything else leads to fascism you tankie/shill/russian/chinese agent/you absolute child!

    Edit: Holy shit i did such a good job pretending to be a liberal biden lover it even fucked up the guy i was agreeing with! Sorry cogman. read it again as a satire

    • @[email protected]
      4 months ago

      Grow the fuck up. This is a primary, not the fucking general election. Voting against Biden in the primary to tell him “I don’t like what you are doing” is a perfectly valid and important way to vote. Why the fuck do you think we have primaries for incumbent presidents in the first place?

      Democrats aren’t the fascists so stop fucking acting like it when someone strategically votes. Biden isn’t god and a vote against him, IN THE FUCKING PRIMARY, is not a vote for Trump. You dipshit. It does not lead to a Trump presidency. If anything, it’s the fucking opposite, because it gives Biden time to course correct before he loses votes due to apathy or anger. Justified anger, if you consider the fact that the people voting uncommitted believe he’s supporting a fucking genocide.

      It’s not like if biden got 100% of the primary vote he’d have any better or worse odds at beating trump. Use your fucking brain.

      Half the fucking reason biden is as progressive as he has been is because of how well bernie and warren did. That’s what happens when you vote your heart in the fucking primary. Biden wouldn’t have been nearly as good on things like antitrust without the votes against him, IN THE FUCKING PRIMARY.

          • the post of tom joad
            4 months ago

            Well, i was gearing up for a fight and really for real didn’t read your reply so i raked you over the coals when you didn’t deserve it. I already deleted them so cmon man, forgive a brother eh?

        • @[email protected]
          4 months ago

          Fuck off mister

          you tankie/shill/russian/chinese agent/you absolute child!

          If you can’t take insults, don’t throw them.

          Respond to my earlier comment or fuck right off with your “I’m giving you a chance” shit.

            • @[email protected]
              14 months ago

              LMAO. Good luck with that attitude. It’s exactly the reason democrats and biden risk losing in 2024. Plugging your ears and running away when any sort of cognitive dissonance sets in.

              Goodbye. I hope you eventually learn how primaries work.