• @[email protected]
    14 months ago

    This is the primary.

    I don’t think you understand how bad things are under Biden- would you actually vote for someone under whose approval your relative thirsted to death? If so, congratulations on your compartmentalization ability. That would be essentially endorsing those actions and many, many people aren’t able to do that.

    • @[email protected]
      14 months ago

      This is the primary.

      Against an incumbent. The meaningful primaries were 2020, 2016.

      would you actually vote for someone under whose approval your relative thirsted to death?

      “My relative died, who cares if my choices actively make things worse for those who are still alive?”

      Sucks to have that sociopath as a relative I guess.

        • @[email protected]
          14 months ago

          I know! It is, at best, sociopathic to deliberately make things worse for people you claim to care about.

          • @[email protected]
            14 months ago

            Very clever. I mean that you are demonstrating no empathy for people who have lost a great deal.

            • @[email protected]
              14 months ago

              You’re infantalizing these people.

              We both agree on these two facts right:

              1. Trump would be worse for Palestineans.
              2. Not voting helps trump.

              So, the question really is do you think so little of these folks that you think they can’t comprehend those basic facts? Do you believe they are incapable of simple logic? Or do you think they are sociopaths? Or do you actually think they are disingenuous about their feelings for Palestineans?

              Out of the two of us, I’m the only one dignifying these people as functional, albeit grieving, adults. If you’d ever had to deal with the mountains of paperwork following an unexpected death you’d know that grief doesn’t turn you into a child.

              • @[email protected]
                14 months ago

                We don’t agree on those two facts.

                1. I don’t know if I truly believe there will be Palestinians by next January, so I don’t know if trump could be worse for them. If he takes office, he might be more enthusiastic, but I don’t think Netanyahu will stop as long as someone in the White House supports him. When Biden does it while holding his nose, it’s not less useful support.

                2. Not voting may help trump or Biden, depending on your jurisdiction.

                • @[email protected]
                  14 months ago

                  Oh boy, those are some pretty silly arguments. I can see why you’re supporting this nonsense then.

                  1. Some 30,000 Palestineans are estimated to have died since October. You could have double that number die _every month _until January and there would be 4+ million Palestineans.

                  Unless what, you think Bibbi is going to start dropping nukes? Really?

                  1. Come on, that’s just the dumbest idea. Explain how an otherwise democratic voter, the type of voter whom the damn article is about, not voting somehow helps Biden.
                  • @[email protected]
                    14 months ago

                    You’re rude to me too! How fun. This is my last reply.

                    I absolutely see the escalation that has already occurred from each month to the next and understand how things could get much worse, much more quickly, without nuclear bombs (think about Dresden).

                    A progressive voter in a solid blue area who will not vote for Biden but may have voted in this primary could absolutely help him by not voting for a third party candidate.