• @[email protected]
      4 months ago

      Fascism wins regardless

      No. But for discussion purposes, I’ll pretend what democrats do is fascism.

      our votes determine who is victimized by that fascism

      Also no. Or just barely. If you’re a victim of the system, which party is elected is not going to have much impact on that. Because whomever is in charge, it’s the same people enforcing the system.

      It takes a long time for the system to change. We couldn’t even prosecute most of Trump’s crimes in 4 years.

      • ComradeSharkfucker
        4 months ago

        Tell that to every person the US has dronestriked. You’re focusing on Americans as the the only victims of its fascism and assuming that fascism is entirely an internal process affecting the people living under that regime. If Trump is elected the fascism might turn inwards, if Biden is elected it will continue to brutalize millions of lives we will never see.

        Fascism wins for now, they just haven’t come for you yet

        • @[email protected]
          234 months ago

          This is a tortured argument that I don’t think I can engage with. Fascism is a system of government that has nothing to do with how we treat people not in America.

          Which isn’t to condone or excuse any of it, but it’s not fascism.

          • ComradeSharkfucker
            4 months ago

            There’s some debate as to what is defined as fascist and what the term can be applied to.

            Regardless I think the US fits the wiki definition damn well. I actually meant to use the phrase “fascism is imperialism turned inwards” which I feel would have expressed my point better but I couldn’t remember it

        • @zaph
          124 months ago

          You seem a bit confused on what fascism is. It’s not “anytime a government does something to hurt people” btw.

          • Jaytreeman
            -24 months ago

            Fascism is a far-right, authoritarian, ultranationalist political ideology and movement, characterized by a dictatorial leader, centralized autocracy, militarism, forcible suppression of opposition, belief in a natural social hierarchy, subordination of individual interests for the perceived good of the nation or race, and strong regimentation of society and the economy. - Wikipedia

            Please explain how the us isn’t a fascist state.

            • DarkGamer
              4 months ago

              You seem to have some strange and distorted ideas about what the US is like. Do you get most of your info about the US from social media?

              We elect our leaders, they are not dictatorial. We have three branches of government with checks and balances on each other, the US is therefore not autocratic. We have freedom of assembly and freedom of speech, and do not forcibly suppress the opposition. Belief in a natural social hierarchy is not a universal American belief, nor is subordination of individual interests. If anything, we are often criticized for being too individualistic. We also do not have strong regimentation of society and the economy, which is less regulated than many other modern countries and we value individual expression. We are the country that invented burning man ffs.

              Just because one of the guys running for office is in fact a fascist, does not make the US a fascist state. If he wins and changes our system around to retain power, well then perhaps you might have a point.