• @[email protected]
    184 months ago

    Part is the fact that the Americans most likely to be upset by the violence in Gaza are the same that are likely to vote for him. And he’s being largely unreceptive to their criticism. In any other election, that would mean his base would probably just let his opponent win. There’s an obvious problem with that this time.

    Basically, Biden is forcing the nation’s left wing to pick between showing their disdain for genocide overseas and stopping fascism to at home. It’s not a fair choice and people are bitter about it.

    • @[email protected]
      04 months ago

      They’re choosing between the party that will not try to implement fascism while supporting Israel and the party that will try while also supporting Israel. Why would anyone think that the fucking Republicans won’t support Israel?

      • @[email protected]
        4 months ago

        At this point it’s just a big red button.

        I’m tired of being screamed at by moderates that I have to vote for their garbage candidate they picked in the primaries. It’s obvious at this point they expect me to endlessly compromise while they give up nothing.

        • @[email protected]
          04 months ago

          People usually call me “radical” or “anarchist” or “socialist”. This is the first time someone has called me “moderate”. What’s next, “liberal” 😩

          I’m also not American, so it’s not “my” candidate.

          I’m a German who watches with absolute terror the fascist rhetoric Trump uses, and my mind boggles that some of you are even thinking about not doing everything necessary to stop that.

      • TigrisMorte
        -14 months ago

        Because their goal, unbeknownst to some of them, is to get Pootie’s chosen puppet back in power.

    • Diva (she/her)
      -34 months ago

      It also assumes that you view the democrats as a credible counter to rising fascism… They’re currently trying to pass a fascist border bill, and literally using our military to aid in an ongoing genocide.

      I don’t think there’s a choice to be made and I will not be voting for either.

      • @[email protected]
        4 months ago

        If you are set on not voting in the presidential election, I would like to encourage you to still vote (if you didn’t already intend to) and just not vote on that question on the ballot, for two reaons:

        1. Local ballot measures and politicians are still quite relevant and your vote is still fairly impactful there relative to the federal election (depending on your state) and

        2. it sends a significantly stronger message to both parties that they are putting forward garbage candidates to vote and just abstain from the one question. Not voting is easy to mislabel as voter suppression by the opposition or any number of other misleading causes when voting, just not for Biden or trump is much more clear what you are mad about.

        • Diva (she/her)
          24 months ago

          Our local elections only happen on off years to suppress turnout, and it’s overwhelmingly dominated by landlords and NIMBYs, trust me I’m involved, but that shit is absolutely calcified.

      • TigrisMorte
        -34 months ago

        My goodness you history is filled with full throated support for any and all division propaganda.

    • Venia Silente
      -44 months ago

      Basically, Biden is forcing the nation’s left wing to pick between showing their disdain for genocide overseas and stopping fascism to at home. It’s not a fair choice and people are bitter about it.

      People could just vote null.