We had a very efficient and funny campaign to inform the general public that screenshots are not memes. However, people keep posting screenshots in this community. I propose that we establish a rule banning screenshots. Maybe there is a dedicated community or screenshots enthusiasts could create one. Of course if this proposal is widely opposed, I will withdraw it and go hide in a cave, never to be heard again. Also, cartoons are not memes either but this is a battle for another day.

Edit: added brackets to the title for clarity

  • @[email protected]
    251 year ago

    I just downvote any uncropped screenshot and ignore the content at this point. Have people really gotten too stupid to crop?

    • macniel
      141 year ago

      We are in the social media age… yes, people really gotten too stupid for those kinds of things. Same with taking photos of screens instead of making a screenshot.

      • @[email protected]
        61 year ago

        I can at least understand taking photos of the screen because console manufacturers go out of their way to make it difficult to take a screenshot and get it on your phone.

        But cropping literally takes 10 seconds. Or 5 minutes if you’re doing it for the first time and don’t have an app that can crop.

        • 001100 010010
          51 year ago

          You dont need an app. Both Apple’s iPhones and Samsung’s Galaxy Phones have built in photo editor. Not sure about other brands.

          • @[email protected]
            01 year ago

            There are stock apps, but they are usually incredibly bloated. Samsungs’ wants you to log in to use it and last time I checked, it literally put ads in between your images.

            • 001100 010010
              31 year ago

              Um, no I don’t have any ads. Typically you get ads if you have a low end device or if it’s from a carrier, the carrier will put bloat. But I got my Galaxy S23 unlocked from BestBuy and I don’t have any ads or carrier stuff, and the Samsung bloat isn’t even that bad, most of them can be uninstalled. The photo editor is literally within the gallery app, you just tap the little pen icon that shows up when you tap on an image. I don’t know why you have ads or require a Samsung account, neither apply to me.

              • @[email protected]
                01 year ago

                It was an unlocked samsung phone as well, an S9 to be specific. All the bloat on there is from samsung themselves and it frequently sent samsung ads as notifications (which couldn’t be disabled) and had a constant notification telling the user to sign into their samsung account (which couldn’t be dismissed or disabled).

                The gallery app had ads between the images, that’s what I meant.

                If that isn’t bad bloat, I don’t know what is.

                • 001100 010010
                  1 year ago

                  Um… I think you might have malware on your phone. I’ve literally never seen an actual ad inside a default gallery app in any smartphone I ever had, including budget phones. I did a search on Galaxy S9 and anything about ads but all I could find is people finding out their phone is infected from malware after being advised to scan their phone by commenters. Can you post an image of the ad?

                  Also you might wanna run a malware scan. Malwarebytes is said to be reputable.

                  Edit: Do you used pirated apps? No judgement, just curious. Pirated apps are one of the common ways to get infected.

    • @HenriVolneyOP
      11 year ago

      I’d say lazy more than stupid

    • kihasu
      11 year ago

      I do not think people became stupid, but it so easy to post stuff that even the technologically iliterate can now post. Also many people underestimate the amount of people acessing media on their phone. Maybe i am too old to know all options, but i feel like a phone is not the right tool to produce any quality content.

    • @JohnDClay
      01 year ago

      It’s kinda hard on mobile