For a long time now I have been using imgur, but I got to thinking and wondered if there was a better site.

It would be nice if the site also allowed linking directly to the image file instead of having to go to their site. Also, an option to delete the image in-case I accidently dox myself after posting a screenshot.

After a bit of searching, I found PasteBoard and ImageVenue, but I haven’t tried them out yet.

What is everyone else using?

  • @frizzleOP
    61 year ago

    Good find!

    Wow, that is a classic looking site. It looks really close to what I am looking for.

    Section 3-4 of the Terms of Use seems a little strict, but shouldn’t be a problem for me since I don’t upload memes and copyright content.

    The 20 megabyte file limit is very generous!

    • Vidar
      211 months ago

      That’s true, they’re strict but I guess that’s because of the German law they’re having to obey. They’ve been around for ages and I respect them for switching to donation based back in 2012 and being kept alive by the community ever since.