I use the apps my friends use but it gets tiring to keep up with so many.

  • @wildbus8979
    193 months ago

    It didn’t have proper encryption back then.

    OTR predates all the commercial platforms adopting XMPP, so that’s not exactly true.

    • @SapphironZA
      73 months ago

      Was OTR a protocol where the server had zero knowledge of the unencrypted content? Or was it basically like SSL?

      • @wildbus8979
        83 months ago

        OTR is E2E, it’s the direct predecessor of OMEMO/Signal on which they are both based.

    • @[email protected]
      02 months ago

      Sure, but now you show me all the clients that supported OTR back then 😜 - or now, for that matter. Besides, OTR doesn’t work in multi user chats. OMEMO does, and support for it is still not exactly widespread…

      • @wildbus8979
        2 months ago

        Most popular clients supported OTR back then… Pidgin, Gajim, Adium, bitlbee, Psi, you name it.

        And that’s at a time where absolutely no one did E2E, even SSL wasn’t a given.

        Yes OTR* doesn’t do group chat, but now you’re just moving the goalpost.

        *There has been a proposal in the works for years and years, but OMEMO stole a lot of it’s traction, and the last nail in the coffin was the arrest of Ola Bini in Ecuador as he was one of the main contributors.

        You seem to not get that OMEMO is directly based on OTR.