• MagnyusG
    4 months ago

    Monogatari will remain my personal favourite series, I wouldn’t dare expose anyone to it. Plus it’s much more interesting as a show you kinda have to discover on your own.

    • @[email protected]OPM
      34 months ago

      Ha, I literally just mentioned Bakemonogatari in another comment. That show was so ground-breaking when it came out. Still is, in many ways. But wow it is not a show you can recommend (or even admit to having watched) IRL without some heavy disclaimers (and even then…)

    • @[email protected]
      34 months ago

      whats the catch? i cant be bothered to watch anything - no matter how good, so spoil it please 🙈

      • MagnyusG
        34 months ago

        The basic concept is that apparitions are affecting different characters and the main character investigates and helps them. The affected characters are all females and the main character is usually at the center of it all.

        But it’s all about the writing being interesting, thought-provoking and entertaining, along with excellent voice acting performances, beautiful and abstract visuals, and of course, the amazing cast of characters. All of this with a healthy dose of comedy, perversion, and fanservice, it’s still pretty aggressive but not in the way a more ‘ecchi’ show would portray it, there’s never anything explicit. The characters genuinely care about each other, and it’s always a treat to see how they interact with each other.

        Honestly it’s pretty difficult to explain why I enjoy it as much as I do, and it’s for that precise reason why I don’t ever bother recommending it, because I’m not about to explain myself when someone questions why I like “the show where the main character brushes his sister’s teeth in a lewd manner.”