• UnRelatedBurner
    7 months ago

    You are right that the companies do what they do because we buy their stuff. But they do it in a way that is not enviroment friendly.

    What I mean is, whatever happens there will be shops, and there will be a way shipment gets to them, and there will be a place where the cargo gets stored, and there will be a place where the products come from, and a there will be a source where the materials come from and go into the factory.

    We only impact the last part, all the way from the tree in a forest to a shelf in a store we have no impact. It was packaged & unpackaged an unhealty number of times, it produced waste that we don’t even know about. Now, imo the problem is that these big corps don’t even consider wasting a dollar to recycle anything. if it’s cheaper (by any margin) to buy it again, it will be bought again, and the used, well, thrown out (into the ocean, or burnt idk). By the time it comes to me deciding between a paper/plastic/bio-plastic(?) bag it doesn’t matter. And the argument that we are the problem because we are still buying it is invalid, because you just simply have to buy food (for example).

    I get it tho, if a billion humans all use up 1 plastic bags a day, that’s still 1b plastic bags/day. However, think about the plastic (and everything else) that was used to get that product to the shelfs, even the bags themselves.