• @[email protected]
    14 months ago

    In a world where Google is a cooperative representing a certian group of proletarians, and nakedcapitalism is a cooperative representing another group of proletarians, would you force them to do business together if one of them were opposed to the idea?

    • ☆ Yσɠƚԋσʂ ☆OP
      -34 months ago

      If Google was a cooperative that acted as a gatekeeper for the internet, and it was censoring people’s access to information based on its profit incentive. Then yes, I would absolutely want Google to be forced to provide unfiltered access to search. It’s pretty incredible that anybody would want it to work otherwise frankly.

      • @[email protected]
        14 months ago

        Google is not restricting anyone’s access to the internet, nor is it stopping nakedcapitalism from publishing its articles. It is simply deciding not to advertise on their website, which is a normal business decision that could have been made by a socialist cooperative or any other entity.

        It sounds like your issue is with SOciEtY and oUr FoRm of gOvERnmEnT, with a little bit of BUt pEoPLe cAn’T UsE thE INteRNet WiTHoUt gOOgLe sprinkled in, rather than the actions of one company or another. Maybe you should be angry with nakedcapitalism too. They aren’t a socialist cooperative either

        • ☆ Yσɠƚԋσʂ ☆OP
          -34 months ago

          Google is not restricting anyone’s access to the internet, nor is it stopping nakedcapitalism from publishing its articles.

          Your logic might even make sense if Google wasn’t a giant monopoly that has oversized influence over the internet. Not only is Google able to directly influence what sites get ad revenue, but it also uses an opaque algorithm that serves their profit interest to decide what people see.

          It sounds like I’ve explained to you precisely what my issue is in ten different ways here, and it’s like talking to a wall. So, I’m going to stop here.

          • @[email protected]
            14 months ago

            Of course, it’s possible that Google has paired its withdrawal of advertisements with a lower rating in search results. Do you have any evidence of that happening, or is it pure supposition, like your hypothetical socialist cooperatives?

            • ☆ Yσɠƚԋσʂ ☆OP
              -44 months ago

              What I actually said was that these are two different ways Google suppresses content based on its own interests. Meanwhile, quite hilarious of you to think that socialist cooperatives are hypothetical. Go read up on Mondragon and Huawei as a couple of examples. It’s gonna blow your mind.

              • @[email protected]
                14 months ago

                What I actually said was that these are two different ways Google suppresses content based on its own interests.

                So do you have any evidence that Google is employing the second way in this case?

                And Mondragon and Huawei control Google and nakedcapitalism? That is news!

                And you already promised in two previous comments to end our exchange, so I hope you take it seriously this time. No wonder Johnny doesn’t want to play with you. Don’t even bother asking his mom about it