• effingjoe
    81 year ago

    They’re preventing people from feeding them. Which article are you referencing? The one you provided or the one in the OP?

    • @burndown
      21 year ago

      That doesn’t mean they aren’t getting fed at all. I’m referring to the one I linked.

      • effingjoe
        61 year ago

        I don’t know who you think you’re kidding. Are you really suggesting that there’s more than enough food for the homeless population in Houston? Does that seem like even a plausible scenario?

        I applaud their efforts to get homeless people into homes-- that is the only way to combat homelessness, but there doesn’t seem to be any defense in preventing organizations from donating food to the homeless that aren’t in homes yet.

        • @burndown
          21 year ago

          I’m not necessarily saying you shouldn’t, just look at the bigger picture before you disregard all of the city’s effective efforts…

          • effingjoe
            11 year ago

            I feel like you forgot to keep track of usernames, my friend. Glad to see I’m not the only one that does that, haha.

            • @burndown
              21 year ago

              I’m talking in general, not to anybody specifically other than the first response

              • effingjoe
                21 year ago

                Oh, well, in that case, I’d flip it around. Don’t defend the indefensible just because the city does good elsewhere.