• Nougat
    594 months ago

    What are the odds that the AI model actually promotes harassment?

      • Dizzy Devil Ducky
        114 months ago

        Have it set to IP ban anyone who calls them out. Duh!

        If it weren’t for power tripping mods, your favorite subreddits would fall to peaces from being too civil and having people actually follow the rules instead of being arbitrarily banned because their username contains the letter “Q” in it.


      • Nougat
        104 months ago

        Battery acid story time!

        Long, long ago, I worked at a Jiffy Lube. I was under the hood, some pothead noob was in the pit below. We’re supposed to call out what we’re doing, for a bunch of reasons, one of which was safety.

        I called out “Checking battery, bay 3!” because I was going to pull the caps off of a non-sealed battery, when pothead noob comes right underneath to say “What?” – and then he starts screaming, because he got a drop of battery acid in his eye.

        I raced down the stairs, grabbed him by his shirt, dragged him over to the eye wash station, turned the water on, and shoved his face in it. Fucking Mike.