This is a repidly edited parody that makes him seem even dumber than usual.
A YouTube poop (YTP) is a type of video mashup or edit created by remixing/editing pre-existing media sources often carrying subcultural significance into a new video for humorous, satirical, obscene, absurd, or profane—as well as annoying, confusing, or dramatic purposes.
YouTube poop is a subset of remix culture, in which existing ideas and media are modified and reinterpreted to create new art and media in various contexts.
I thought the acronym YTP would be sufficient but maybe not anymore. It’s just chopping clips of him to make him say dumb old school YouTube.
Just give the last 30s a try to get what I mean
Still have no idea what YTP is.
Sorry, Wikipedia can do better than me
Kinda like a YouTube shitpost. They were really popular like 15 years ago. I don’t usually watch them these days but this channel is a exception. I’ve shared one or two here before that were better received but I will keep in mind that this is old internet culture at this point and context is necessary.