Is anyone else always seeing the same group of posts when they try to look at all posts? It’s always the same ones for me and then new ones slowly come in. I imagine it must be a caching issue somewhere.

  • @FaendolOP
    11 year ago

    I guess I’m filtering by active, does that require the poster to be online?

      • @FaendolOP
        21 year ago

        Seems like we might want to make that the default. Active is definitely not working for me. Or at least not in the way I’d expect.

          • @FaendolOP
            41 year ago

            I guess I more mean a site wide default, IMO making lemmy a good experience out of the box is really important if we want it to become a viable alternative. It’s already complicated enough as is.

            • @imaqtpieMA
              41 year ago

              You’re totally right, the active filter is terrible and always shows the same big posts, the default should absolutely be new or hot. The functionality is there but people won’t stick around long enough to figure it out if they keep seeing the same 10 posts on their front page.

            • @[email protected]
              31 year ago

              Yeah I agree. I think the filtering system as a whole could use some reworking. Hopefully now that there is a growing active community to highlight the issues, the devs will be able to pinpoint and optimize the algorithms. Even Hot has issues with randomly throwing loads of 1 year old posts on top, or seemingly treating any new post as “hot”.