• @[email protected]
    64 months ago

    You could also stop pretending Joe Biden is a supporter of genocide, but you won’t.

    If you truly believe a genocide is happening to the Palestinian people, bullying democrats out of voting for Biden does nothing to help the Palestinian people.

    If you want to support the Palestinian people than you should engage in the democratic process and get the democrats to force Israel into a cease fire and lay the groundwork for two states.

    Oh wait, that’s what’s happening already.

    • @[email protected]
      -14 months ago

      Joe Bide directly supports Israel. Israel is openly committing genocide. If you think Joe is NOT supporting genocide, you are literally so stupid as to fail to observe ONE DEGREE of separation. You are too stupid for this discussion, full stop.

      • @[email protected]
        14 months ago

        This is the issue pointed out right here.

        All you people full stop claiming genocide aren’t doing anything for the Palestinian people, you are just bullying people you suspect are Joe Biden supporters and telling them to exit the discussion.

        I hate to say its coordinated, but I haven’t ever seen more coordinated behavior in an online community before.

        • @[email protected]
          4 months ago

          I’m doing a hell of a lot more than Joe Biden simply by not handing Israel bilions in weapons.

          I love how all you fucking morons pretend I have ANY obligation like the fucking PRESIDENT has. Stop expecting more of random citizens than you expect of the PRESIDENT. It’s beyond pathetic. Stop being so pathetic.

          • @[email protected]
            14 months ago

            I’m just saying, the Palestinian people need a lot more from you than specifically waging a propaganda war against Democratic voters.

            There are charities you could donate your time or money to, there are think tanks with the ear of the president who you could reach out to.

            I don’t even agree with your usage of the term genocide, but feel like I have done more to help the Palestinian people through my own contributions.

            That to me says something.

            • @[email protected]
              -24 months ago

              So you’re just assuming I do nothing otherwise?

              Again, stop being so pathetic. You still expect more from citizens than the president. Stop being such a joke.

              • @[email protected]
                14 months ago

                I am sorry to assume you did nothing. I assume you have gone and marched with previously doxxed neo Nazis in the city nearest you under the guise that this is a pro-Palestine movement and not an anti-Biden one.

                If you had any tactic but bullying leftists who disagreed with you, you would have used it already.

                Bye, babe.

                • @[email protected]
                  -14 months ago

                  Ah yes, once again making insanely judgemental conclusions based solely on assumptions. Thank you for once again proving that reactionary morons also exist on the left. You are just as bad as those Nazis you are so afraid of, making such baseless assumptions.

                  Again, stop being so pathetic. You are what’s wrong with humanity, right or left. Stop thinking with your feefees.

                  • @[email protected]
                    44 months ago

                    So, out of curiosity, what HAVE you been doing? Maybe lean into that as a constructive offramp here. Or just keep calling each other names.

                  • @[email protected]
                    04 months ago

                    The idea that I am afraid of Nazis is laughable.

                    I think unless you have anything concrete, we are probably done, aren’t we?

    • @[email protected]
      -14 months ago

      You could also stop pretending Joe Biden is a supporter of genocide, but you won’t.

      If Biden stops supporting genocide, I’ll stop saying it.

      If you truly believe a genocide is happening to the Palestinian people, bullying democrats out of voting for Biden does nothing to help the Palestinian people.

      It’s a good thing I’m not doing that. I’m saying that Biden needs to stop supporting genocide.

      He hasn’t stopped selling them weapons. He’s still running interference for them at the UN. That’s support.

      • @[email protected]
        54 months ago

        The US has treaties with Israel that to the best of my knowledge Biden can’t just unilaterally end without repurcussion.

        The opposition (Trump) has called for Israel to finish the job.

        So if you want to character ize the guy with the stance of a 2 state solution as being the genocidal option, go ahead, but it’s just so ridiculously naive.

        • @[email protected]
          4 months ago

          The US has treaties with Israel that to the best of my knowledge Biden can’t just unilaterally end without repurcussion.

          None of those treaties require him to circumvent congress to sell weapons for genocide. None of them require him to run interference for Netanyahu at the UN.

          The opposition (Trump) has called for Israel to finish the job.

          And as always, if anyone is in any way critical of Biden’s support for genocide, it’s because they must be a Trumpist.

          So if you want to character ize the guy with the stance of a 2 state solution as being the genocidal option, go ahead, but it’s just so ridiculously naive.

          Both of them support genocide. I want Biden to stop. I doubt you do.

          • @[email protected]
            -14 months ago

            What does a 2 state solution mean? It means the Palestinian people weren’t genocided.

            Do you not get that? Because if you don’t, this situation is clearly more complex than you ever begun to realize.

            • @[email protected]
              24 months ago

              What does a 2 state solution mean?

              In this context, about as much as anything else Biden says he supports and doesn’t back up with actions.

              Do you not get that?

              I get what Biden’s stated position is. His actions say the opposite.

              • @[email protected]
                14 months ago

                Which specific actions?

                Aiding an ally in time of war as per the treaties while working towards a ceasefire and two state solution?

                Not only do you guys want Biden to be a war time president, but you specifically want him to wage war against Israel, and then you guys get offended when its pointed that the only people in the world this would benefit is Russia and Qatar/Iran.

                • @[email protected]
                  4 months ago

                  Which specific actions?

                  Biden is selling Netanyahu weapons that he knows will be used for genocide.

                  Biden’s administration is propping up Netanyahu at the UN.

                  Those specific actions.

                  Aiding an ally in time of war as per the treaties while working towards a ceasefire and two state solution?

                  No treaty requires Biden to circumvent congress to sell Netanyahu weapons for genocide. No treaty requires Biden to run interference for Netanyahu at the UN. Biden’s words regarding ceasefire and a 2 state solution are only words.

                  Not only do you guys want Biden to be a war time president, but you specifically want him to wage war against Israel,

                  You’re just making up ridiculous shit now.

                  • @[email protected]
                    04 months ago

                    So, what do you guys want then? Long term, he stops selling to Israel, what next?

                    Qatar and Iran decide now that Israel has been cut off from the US, they decide to come calling on their promises to destroy Israel.

                    Do you support Israel then? Do you support Biden selling weapons again?

                    Does Hamas go back to attacking Israel? What exactly are your long term goals here?