
After interesting/insightful inputs from different users, here are the takeaways:

  • It doesn’t have some critical or dangerous impact or implications when extracted
  • It contains the tared parent folder (see below for some neat tricks)
  • It only overwrites the owner/permission if ./ itself is included in the tar file as a directory.
  • Tarbombs are specially crafted tar archives with absolute paths / (by default (GNU) tar strips absolute paths and will throw a warning except if used with a special option –absolute-names or -P)
  • Interesting read: Path-traversal vulnerability (../)

Some neat trick I learned from the post

Temporarily created subshell with its own environment:

Let’s say you’re in the home directory that’s called /home/joe. You could go something like:

> (cd bin && pwd) && pwd


Exclude parent folder and ./ ./file from tar

There are probably a lot of different ways to achieve that expected goal:

(cd mydir/ && tar -czvf mydir.tgz *)

find mydir/ -printf "%P\n" | tar -czf mytar.tgz --no-recursion -C mydir/ -T - source

The absolute path could overwrite my directory structure (tarbomb) source Will overwrite permission/owner to the current directory if extracted. source

I’m sorry if my question wasn’t clear enough, I’m really doing my best to be as comprehensible as possible :/

Hi everyone !

I’m playing a bit around with tar to understand how it works under the hood. While poking around and searching through the web I couldn’t find an actual answer, on what are the implication of ./ and ./file structure in the tar archive.

Output 1

sudo find ./testar -maxdepth 1 -type d,f -printf "%P\n" | sudo tar -czvf ./xtractar/tar1/testbackup1.tgz -C ./testar -T -
> tar tf tar1/testbackup1.tgz
My test folder.txt

Output 2

sudo find ./testar -maxdepth 1 -type d,f  | sudo tar -czvf ./xtractar/tar2/testbackup2.tgz -C ./testar -T -
>tar tf tar2/testbackup2.tgz

./testar/My test folder.txt
./testar/My test folder.txt

The outputs are clearly different and if I extract them both the only difference I see is that the second outputs the parent folder. But reading here and here this is not a good solution? But nobody actually says why?

Has anyone a good explanation why the second way is bad practice? Or not recommended?

Thank you :)

  • @[email protected]
    24 months ago

    The commands within the parentheses run in a temporarily created subshell with its own environment. So you can change the working directory within it and it won’t effect your main shell’s working directory.

    Let’s say you’re in the home directory that’s called /home/joe. You could go something like:

    > (cd bin && pwd) && pwd

    If find had something equivalent to tar -C, you wouldn’t need to do this, but I don’t think it does?

    • @[email protected]OP
      4 months ago

      Thank youuu !! I learned something really interesting !!! :)

      (sudo cd ./testar && sudo find . -maxdepth 1 -type d,f) | cut -c3- | sudo tar -czvf ./xtractar/tar2/testbackup2.tgz -C ./testar -T -

      So, you’re trying to sudo cd ? :P I tried a hacky way I found on sudo sh -c 'cd dirname' doesn’t work -_- !

      Thank you very much :))) The cut -c3- is a nice alternative !!

      • @[email protected]
        34 months ago

        Oh yeah, that’s another way to make a subshell. But don’t forget to stick the find in there also:

        sudo sh -c 'cd ./testar && find . -maxdepth 1 -type d,f' | ...