• @mindbleach
    24 months ago

    Example 17283 of why title case is awful in tech articles.

    • @The_Lopen
      14 months ago

      For the uninitiated: what is title case?

      • @mindbleach
        24 months ago

        Title case is the capitalization of all words in a headline. (Or occasionally, all words with the exception of articles and prepositions, like “the,” “of,” or “and.”) It’s intended for readability… on newspapers, at a distance, in large print. This is a website.

        In tech articles where many tools have stupid names that are hard to parse at the best of times, this makes some headlines completely incomprehensible. What part of speech is any word in this post’s title? It’s halfway to a “garden path sentence,” where ambiguous tense is only resolved at the end. Or one of those sentences that would have made no sense twenty years ago. “Homestuck Stans Dox Twitter Influncer @dril.”