Civil liberties network says in states where far-right parties influence power, rule-of-law deterioration risks becoming systemic

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  • Որբունի
    94 months ago

    Time for civilian rearmament before they start creating camps and giving free train rides to the undesirables.

    • @[email protected]
      34 months ago

      The far-right part that now supports the government, some of the inner circle joind the part when they were famous for being a very active neo-nazi group, the current party leader joined the party like 2 years after the party were demonstrating support for a racist massmuderer in sweden, and there is a photo of one of them embracing a literal nazi SS veteran. A party front figure also around the last election basically called Anne Frank “horniness itself” in an instagrampost while listening to Kanye (after the whole ‘deathcon 3’ stuff), and during the election night said basically the swedish version of ‘seig heil’, but substituted ‘heil’ for the swedish word for ‘weekend’. One of the parties of the current government promissed a holocaust survivor to never collaborate with this party, but she died before the election, so now they lie about that promise. Anyway…

      Last election, that party, with connections to literal SS nazis from germany, covered subway trains in their party colors and said about the trains: "Welcome to the deportation train. You have a one-way ticket. Next stop, Kabul”.

      • Որբունի
        34 months ago

        They sound lovely, and exactly like the type of people you may need to greet with lead one day. Politicians have no incentive for honour or morals, they must be kept in check, they will always find lackeys to do the worst atrocities imaginable.

    • @[email protected]
      -24 months ago

      Sure, rearmament is a good idea. But rather than fearing the state, people are arming themselves in protection against organized crime networks run by first and second generation immigrants that are running wild.