So far the info I’m seeing is from remarkable site and the way they word it doesnt answer the real question (like they’re trying to hide something). I dont think I’ll keep it if I cant use it without paying a monthly fee.
Basically I need to be able to transfer files (both directions) in a couple different ways. I need to be able to get files to and from Google drive for cloud storage purposes and would be nice If i could ultimately get files into a git repo on gitlab (even if it means more than one step to get it there). Also it would be nice if i could connect via ssh through the command line on my laptop (running ubuntu linux) to transfer files using the laptop.
Should I send this thing back or is it possible to do these things without a remarkable connect account?
the only way I know how to transfer files is with the desktop app, drag and drop from your computer onto the desktop and it shows up on your tablet. same with dragging from the app to desktop or folder on computer.
Using remarkable without a subscription
Honestly imo their website is pretty straightforward about what connect does and doesn’t include
So the Google drive part is completely free. BUT, it might not work as you’d like. What it lets you do is download PDFs(or docx/pptx converted to PDFs by OneDrive) and upload PDF exports of notebooks/PDFs. The problem is, it’s not a sync service. So, if you download file A.pdf, write something to it, and then upload back to GDrive, you’ll have a duplicate of A.pdf that’s the newer version.
You can totally SSH into the device and transfer files with curl(which basically utilises the web interface) iirc, or just directly copy their proprietary files format notebooks too, altho they will be unreadable without a working third-party tool for that version. What I’d use the SSH for is full notebook backups rather than a normal way of transferring. Then again, I do have toltec(the community package manager) on an older version of the OS to run a terminal emulator with VIM and directly upload files to GitHub(so mostly just C code) ;)
I"m finding all kinds of crazy stuff the company seems to be doing. It’s confusing bc I don’t feel they are honest in their documentation about what you can / can’t do with it. The more I learn the more it seems like you can do very little without paying them for their service. It’s sad because I like the thing and really don’t want them to make me return it - I just don’t feel right about being forced to pay for features that should be native to the device. I paid a good chunk of $ for the device and pen already and I’m supposed to barely be able to do anything with it?
It’s very clear what they offer with the sub(minus the fact that “unlimited” isn’t an amount, but rather unlocking the 50-day limit on unopened files).It’s a clear-cut distraction free device. More features kinda defeats some of the purpose =P
Yep, this.
It feels weird at first to be paying for less features, but that’s what the RM is. It’s a tool to focus and sit down with your thoughts, as you would with paper, but in a very compact package. Also, digital lets you reorder pages, move them around etc, to keep your notebooks tidy.
And with the type folio, it becomes a typewriter. That’s it.
For me, it’s exactly what I wanted and I love my remarkable.
It kinda irks me when people are like “Oh why can I not have text boxes and move it around”. Like dude, if you wanted to do that, get the iPad? The fact that the text is fixed actually makes sure I don’t overthink where to place text. Instead, all the handwriting is around the text. I dunno, I like it
There’s always a balance between customization and simplicity. Personally I do value simplicity but would very much like to be able to move text around. It’s a feature that similar ‘apps’ have (e.g. OneNote, Evernote) and I would find it very useful.
So I agree with your point but there are going to be loads of edge cases that require difficult decisions to implement the principle.
Well imho converting to text is a pretty big deal feature; and, to be honest, if they were holding back features and making you pay for them, well I would just find that offensive. Thankfully that isn’t the case but if it were I don’t think that’s the right way to get people to buy more from you.
well that was the case on the original connect. They removed many features from the “free” tier and put them behind the connect sub. They have since backtracked on that
Same here.
I think Remarkable should do a better job at explaining the logic of their design. Because yeah, selling that the new update now has “straight lines” just feels ridiculous.
From the beginning, the marketing was focusing on the ultimate distraction free environment and they should really hit that nail again and again.
People can’t imagine how less can actually be more. You need to explain it to them.
The connect subscription does very little… It’s a simple tablet with limited functionality, with or without the subscription.
You can connect using SSH, and have full shell access, including file download and upload.
You can also enable a web interface on the device, and access it through the USB connection. Another way to manage data on the device.
Finally, you can use an excellent third-party tool, with a small one-time payment (or not, since this is open source): RCU, the reMarkable Connection Utility.
I understand the frustration you have with paying to the sync service. I have had the Remarkable for about a month and do not use the sync service, even though it is free for an intro period. The way I look at the device is as an exact replacement for a paper legal pad. I take notes and use the rM app to export to Dropbox or Onedrive on my computer. If you do that, you can’t really update the notes, which are saved as a PDF. But, I could not really do that with paper notes.
If I am working on a research project and know I will be adding or editing the notebook, I just leave it on the rM until it makes sense to save a copy.
Maybe that will work for you.
I have gdrive docs and rm2 docs Docs. connect subscription.
I rarely upload to my notes to Google drive from rm2
I often download pdfs of my Google Docs to my rm2 and then add handwritten notes to become formal typed doc edits later.
there is no sync back to original Google Doc formats in this case. I am not sure what that could look like. My notes are in margins and figures and typically require formal typed editing to fit in a published document form.
So I draft notes on rm2 and then create typed formal edits in my Docs by retyping at keyboard.
I love the “read on remarkable” Chrome plug-in to read web pages and some downloaded pdfs on rm2 and then delete from device
I love rm2 for handwriting notes, new ideas, and making checklists.
It is not an input device to Google docs. Though, you can convert handwritten paragraphs to text and send via email to yourself and then copy-paste them into docs.
tldr: get rm2 if you like to hand write drafts of things that may or may not later become formal typed documents in Google or other formats.