Mother 3 is one of the most hotly-desired RPGs ever, having never received an official translation in North America despite the cult popularity of its predecessor, Earthbound. But over all these years, series creator Shigesato Itoi has never weighed in on the discussion - at least until now.
70$?? For a 17 years old game from a dead platform that might as well be abondonware and that has aged graphically like fine wine thanks to being 2D ? Why ? I would understand if the fan made translation was a subpar job and having the official translation would dramatically change the story but we both know the fan made translation had the same care put into it as religious texts and aside from very minor name changes the official translation wouldn’t be any better.
And then people would complain when they get fucked backwards by these greedier and greedier companies. How about giving that 70$ to a family member or charity or anything else really other than increasing the wealth of some Japanese shareholders ( the devs ain’t gonna get a cent from this money ), downloading the game and playing it using the carefully made fan translation.
Sorry, but your comment hit me like a brick !
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70$?? For a 17 years old game from a dead platform that might as well be abondonware and that has aged graphically like fine wine thanks to being 2D ? Why ? I would understand if the fan made translation was a subpar job and having the official translation would dramatically change the story but we both know the fan made translation had the same care put into it as religious texts and aside from very minor name changes the official translation wouldn’t be any better.
And then people would complain when they get fucked backwards by these greedier and greedier companies. How about giving that 70$ to a family member or charity or anything else really other than increasing the wealth of some Japanese shareholders ( the devs ain’t gonna get a cent from this money ), downloading the game and playing it using the carefully made fan translation.
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