Employers are free to do as they like, so long as it isn’t with government money. Here’s the preamble of the bill
To prohibit the use of funds to implement, administer, or
enforce measures requiring certain employees to refer
to an individual by the preferred pronouns of such individual or a name other than the legal name of such
individual, and for other purposes.
Yeah, that’s stupid, because it would allow for misgendering/failing to use the correct pronouns of cis people. So even if you’re in the “trans people are delusional” bigotry camp, it is still a dumb law. Men could be called she/her, and women could be called he/him with no recourse.
Employers are free to do as they like, so long as it isn’t with government money. Here’s the preamble of the bill
Yeah, that’s stupid, because it would allow for misgendering/failing to use the correct pronouns of cis people. So even if you’re in the “trans people are delusional” bigotry camp, it is still a dumb law. Men could be called she/her, and women could be called he/him with no recourse.
Basic respect for people isn’t that hard.
Good. The government should have no place compelling speech
Agreed. Good thing forcing employees to have basic respect isn’t forced speech, which makes this law stupid.
It literally is, by definition
“Nu uh”