I am totally rooting for the elephant!!
Same. 🐘
Why? Did they hit the calves on purpose?
If someone hit my kid, the fact that it was mere negligence wouldn’t save them.
How do we know it was negligence? I suspect there is a whole lot of conjecture going on here, but I’m happy to be humbled.
Also, your post reads as I am very badass. Perhaps, we could all exercise positive intent a little more.
We aren’t disagreeing that they hit the elephants - if it’s not negligence, then do you think it was on purpose?
I’m not a badass at all, but literally everyone with offspring would feel the same way, even animals.
Is neither an option?
Negligence and on purpose don’t seem like the only reasons for an accident. They could have had no time to react to an elephant in the road.
I don’t believe it is, no. Going faster than your reaction time (given road conditions) is negligence that caused a collision, not an “accident”.
Elephants have not been conditioned to accept these choices as unavoidable. We had been traveling next to them harmlessly for thousands of years.
And is it inconceivable that the elephant was startled by something else and ran into the road?
I’m just saying that things like this can be nobodies fault at all. There are 8 Billion humans have interactions with other humans and being every moment of everyday, so you can tell me that an elephant couldn’t get killed by a complete faultless accident.
Because they hit an elephant calf. Driving too fast to avoid hitting an obstacle is negligent.
They were surprised by the elephant calves after turning a corner. They tried to stop and almost succeeded
If you can’t see far enough to stop if there’s something in the road, slow the fuck down. Negligence by any reasonable definition
I agree that they were not driving carefully enough. It’s not like elephants jump out like deer and kangaroos
Shit like this makes me feel that we are the invasive species. Fuck cars.