I dislike how to post on like the majority of big subreddit, you have to have X karma, Y account age etc, and those things seem to be enforced by automod. A really good feature of lemmy for me is there being no automod!

  • _haha_oh_wow_
    510 months ago

    Automod does whatever the sub its on is programmed to do. Your problem wasn’t with automod, it was with how the mods of particular subs were choosing to use it.

    • @can
      210 months ago

      What subs even did that? Or was it a really low karma requirement? Because I never encountered that and I only ever really commented on reddit. Never actively posted to increase karma.

  • @[email protected]
    12 years ago

    automod is one of the best ways to prevent right-wingers from using your platform, even requiring you to include “trans rights are human rights” can filter 99% of rightoids

    • @[email protected]
      10 months ago

      I’d say that’s probably part of the issue. Devicive mechanisms like that create bubbles / echo chambers.

      Whilst I agree with you, I wouldn’t enter any phrase with ideological direction like this. Just on principal. I’m not a child. I can do as I please, and I’d simply move on. So then that community doesn’t get content from someone like myself, who’s going to give some quality discussion (assuming the community is a quality discussion type of community).

      I’d say an automod is required. But, how it’s used, or abused, will dictate how the community grows.