Hello, I am looking to buy my first filament 3D printer. Any printer or printer brand you recommend and why? What 3D modeling software is usually used to design? Any tips are welcome! (my budget would be 200-300€) I would like to eventually get into resin printing as well.

  • gian @lemmy.grys.it
    2 years ago

    I would look for a printed (fdm or resin) that has a big and active commnutiy behind, maybe and Ender for FDM and Anycubic for resin

    As for the software, there is a lot of options. Freecad and OpenScad are good (Openscad can be a little harder). I used moi3d (the demo version) and I found it really nice and easy, but it is nor free or open. But it has a free demo with full features (only time limited).