I didn’t vote for Trump in 2016. I didn’t vote.

In 2020 I voted for Trump because knew Biden would be bad. He has done better than I expected but the inflation is killing me and the focus on the wrong thing isn’t helping.

Early on I was a De Santis fan but my interest has waned as he has taken hard stances on things that need compromise.

  • @[email protected]
    117 months ago

    In 2020 I voted for Trump because knew Biden would be bad.

    You thought that a man with decades of successful experience as a legislator and executive would be worse than the inexperienced guy who couldn’t staff his own White House and presided over the loss of more jobs and lives than in any time since the Great Depression and the Civil War, respectively?

    He has done better than I expected

    Maybe that should prompt some self-reflection.

    • NeuromancerOPM
      -37 months ago

      He hasn’t done near as good as Trump. We are engaged in several conflicts, inflation is high, etc.

      I’d rather had Trump but I’m not a partisan hack. I can acknowledge he hasn’t destroyed American like everyone though.

      • @[email protected]
        87 months ago

        He hasn’t done near as good as Trump. We are engaged in several conflicts, inflation is high, etc.

        The US was engaged in a number of conflicts under Trump, including the war and occupation of Afghanistan, which were ended by Biden. Trump’s administration was singularly disastrous for the United States - reductions in life expectancy, increases in the number of Americans addicted to drugs, and quite famously, fires and riots in the centers of most major cities which Trump was totally unable to control. Another thing Trump was unable to control: the spread of the novel coronavirus inside the United States.

        Objectively Trump is bad at being President. I don’t see how a conservative can dispute that - Trump’s tenure was a riotous time in both the US and the world.

        • NeuromancerOPM
          -27 months ago

          Trump didn’t start those and the wars didn’t start under Trump. He was continuing conflicts that were already in play. The life expectancy was because of a pandemic and became worse under Biden. I don’t blame either of them for that. That’s partisan bs. The president isn’t in charge of drug addiction. That’s a state issue. The deaths were growing before Trump took office. Addicts are going to die. That’s life. I don’t see the value in spending a lot of money that’ll sort itself out. The riots were democrats rioting. Trump could have called up the military and didn’t. So you’re upset he didn’t use more force to quell the rebellion? That’s really what you’re complaining about ? Trump wasn’t able to control a virus? lol. Neither could Biden or Europe or rest of the world. It’s a virus. Maybe you haven’t read the constitution much but handling pandemics is a right of the states. So blaming Trump for your state failing is weird. I went back to active duty during the pandemic because of my skill set. We had to work with the states because that’s the law. The 10th amendment says if it’s not defined in the constitution then it’s a right of the state.

          • @[email protected]
            7 months ago

            Trump didn’t start those and the wars didn’t start under Trump.

            I didn’t say that he did, but you said we weren’t in conflict under Trump, and that’s false.

            Trump did expand the conflicts in a number of theaters, resulting in the deaths of US servicemen; you just don’t remember noticing because he was responsible for so much domestic chaos, too.

            The president isn’t in charge of drug addiction.

            There’s literally a Federal agency, reporting to the President, that regulates and interdicts drug traffic in the United States. The President literally is in charge of drug addiction.

            The riots were democrats rioting.

            You’re saying that Trump couldn’t possibly have won left-of-center votes?

            Look, it strikes me that a politician - whose job is to build a popular consensus around a slate of policies and ideals - who winds up being absolutely hated by well over half of the American people, hated enough to take to the streets about it, can’t be said to be very good at the job.

            Neither could Biden or Europe or rest of the world.

            There were three virus outbreaks during the Obama administration that you don’t even remember because rapid and effective action by the administration prevented them from being national pandemics. So actually not only could Biden, but Biden did. Trump sat on his own balls on his first one. That’s pretty bad! Trump was objectively bad at the job, there’s just no question about it once you move beyond special pleading (“it was a virus! Who could have predicted?!” lol) and excuse-making.

            • NeuromancerOPM
              -27 months ago

              Did you really just tell a veteran he didn’t notice being deployed? lol.

              The President literally is in charge of drug addiction

              No. The president is not. Once again that’s a state issue. The federal government is in charge of trying to stop the flow, monitoring pharmacies, etc. they’re not in charge of addiction or treatment.

              There were three virus outbreaks during the Obama administration that you don’t even remember because rapid and effective action by the administration prevented them from being national pandemics

              None of them were handle by the government. They just burned out naturally and Zika is still around. Obama did nothing to stop the outbreak. They just ran their natural course.

              hated enough to take to the streets about it,

              I thought they are rioting over Floyd. Now you are saying it was an armed insurrection against Trump ?

              • @[email protected]
                77 months ago

                Did you really just tell a veteran he didn’t notice being deployed?

                Did you just tell a Federal public health researcher that public health isn’t a Federal responsibility? lol

                The president is not. Once again that’s a state issue. The federal government is in charge of trying to stop the flow, monitoring pharmacies, etc.

                Yes, but again, Trump didn’t succeed at these things either. Fentanyl from China flowed over the border and caused an ongoing crisis. Trafficking of drugs is a Federal, not state, crime. Trump’s DoJ should have had it in hand but under Trump, he had them spending more time on a fruitless wild goose chase for “corruption” in Mueller’s investigation instead of issues that actually affected Americans. Trump was incompetent.

                None of them were handle by the government.

                They were all handled by the government.

                Obama did nothing to stop the outbreak.

                There was no “Zika pandemic.” There also was no swine flu pandemic, SARS-1 pandemic, nor MERS pandemics in the United States. Oh, were those not the ones you were thinking of? Well, yes, that’s my point - you don’t remember them because they were objectively non-issues. They didn’t “burn out naturally”, they were actively and successfully stopped by rapid, effective public health action. I’m an expert in this field, remember?

                • NeuromancerOPM
                  -27 months ago

                  Did you just tell a Federal public health researcher that public health isn’t a Federal responsibility? lol

                  If you think that’s true. Cite the law that gives the federal authority to take control form the states. I’d like to see the law citation as you’re the first person to make that claim.

                  Yes, but again, Trump didn’t succeed at these things either

                  And neither did Carter, Reagan, bush, Clinton, etc.

                  Can you cite the law that once again overrules the states? I’ve never seen nor heard that.

                  They were all handled by the government

                  Sure, show me the vaccines.

                  You claim to be an expert but keep making claims that are false. I’ll see if you can cite these imaginary laws you claim.

    • @MomoTimeToDie
      -47 months ago

      You thought that a man with decades of successful experience as a legislator and executive would be worse than the inexperienced guy who couldn’t staff his own White House and presided over the loss of more jobs and lives than in any time since the Great Depression and the Civil War, respectively?

      And it was proven true, so…

      • @[email protected]
        37 months ago

        And it was proven true

        Literally the opposite of that is what’s true. The BLM riots? COVID-19? Job losses on a scale not seen since the Great Depression?

        Are these not ringing any bells? I guess if you didn’t open a newspaper or use a phone between 2017-2021, yeah, you’d have a lot of questions about what had been happening around you.

        • @MomoTimeToDie
          -47 months ago

          Lmao you genuinely believe trump was the source of covid and caused the blm riots?

          • @[email protected]
            37 months ago

            I didn’t say either of those things, no.

            But the President of the United States has a responsibility to the safety of Americans and to the defense of civil order, and Trump manifestly failed in those responsibilities due to his incompetence and poor character.

            • @MomoTimeToDie
              -37 months ago

              Lmao hardly. The federal government, let alone the president, should be doing next to nothing about that kind of stuff.

              • @[email protected]
                17 months ago

                Totally wrong. The President is both the commander in chief of the armed forces and the highest-ranking civil servant; ultimately these issues are his direct responsibilities.

                • @MomoTimeToDie
                  -47 months ago

                  Lmao nice cope lol. Being high ranked doesn’t magically give the president powers beyond what the federal government should already have.