What it says on the title. Mine was when I was 12 and I lived in a very haunted house which had some weird activity going on, like things moving out of place and pets freaking out. I was sitting in the computer, alone in the house, and suddenly I see a shadowy figure on the screen, just some meters away behind me, thinking was my mom I turned around and there was nothing, but the room had turned extremely cold suddenly. There was nothing behind me that could have been this shadow.

  • MiddleWeigh@lemmy.world
    1 year ago

    I’ve actually had a couple and I’ll share a few at risk of sounding crazy.

    1. My friend was having a psychotic break, for lack of a better term. We picked him up, or rather snuck him out of the mental ward of a general hospital. Bad idea. Young. We were driving and the radio and windshield wiper/headlights were going on and off with his emotions. It was quite an experience

    2. Me my gf at the time were sitting in my car, messing with a nice analog camera. A huge huge huge gray moth that looked straight up like am alien came in and landed on my hand. The atmosphere was buzzing. We took a pic with the nice camera. The moth never showed up! I still have the picture and it’s a really awesome picture. You can see all this weird light and color in the background and me just staring at my hand like an idiot lol

    3. This same girl shut the power off to a computer, and a bunch of studio gear cause she got mad. Same girl popped my shoulder out of my socket without touching me. She was very intense, and told me a black mass followed her around, hovering. I noped out of that one lmao

    4. I was doing some Astral protection late at night and had an encounter with SOMETHING. I started to try and “play” with them. A weird tiny white ball of yarn, very weird texture, fell in my lap like “no,we are playing with you, little kitten”. When I left my room, all the cabinets and drawers were open in kitchen and bathroom. This one gave me the tingles. The beings were visible, at least in my minds eye, very much “there” compared to other instances. I can only describe it as “simple light”… like a technicolor swarm/blob in the room, shaping and reshaping itself. The buzz in the room was nuts, like a bunch of high frequency in my brain, not my ears.