Hey there, Looking for some inspiration for guys getups. Lots of sites like dollskill etc have really limited options for dudes (but that’s the case generally).
Thanks for any ideas you’d be kind enough to share!
ohh good point. there are lots of alt men out there, i totally neglected to post them! i’ll surely start,
pinterest is a gold mine for male alt fashion looks. thrifting is a staple for goth looks. it doesnt need to be expensive from ‘goth’ brands.
A lot of guys will happily borrow from the women’s section. Gender is more of a guideline really. That said, if you want specifically guy’s stuff, I personally get a lot of Punk Rave’s gear. If nothing else, it’s a great start for getting ideas if you’d rather go the more true to form thrift and match route.
E.G. https://www.saisai.co.uk/index.php?route=product/category&path=60_110