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As the picture shows, most (all??) grocery stores will show the price per ounce on the item’s price tag.

It’s usually on sales tags too.

I was FAR too old before I realized this and it’s made price comparisons in-store much easier.

Note: Not my photo. Just generic photo from google.

    2 年前

    Experiencing this all the time in the US. Want to buy extra virgin olive oil? One is priced in “per floz” another in “per quart” and a third in “per pound”. All three contain same EVOO in the same size range (500mL-1000mL) on the same shelf. How many ounces are in a quart? Is a fluid ounce the same as a dry ounce? Fuck you! Hope you are skilled at multiplying by 16 in your head. I swear the grocery stores do this on purpose to protest the fair pricing law that forces them to display the unit price. If it were left up to random chance alone, the units would match at least some of the time. EVOO is the reason I hate the imperial measures system.