America’s Most Exciting High Speed Rail Project Gets $3 Billion Grant From Feds::The Southern California-to-Las Vegas route makes total sense and involves no wishful thinking in order to be a resounding success.

    1 year ago

    If I’m calculating this right this is supposed to cost around $40m per kilometre (12 bil total for 200 mile project). This is what high speed rail cost in Europe where they are actually building a lot of it. My guess is that in US, country with little to no experience in such projects they will spend about 10x more. The failed HS2 project in UK was supposed to cost £250m/km for the final part. My guess is they know they will run out of money after like 10% of the construction but just want to start building hoping to find more money later. Soon they will start cutting back the project while throwing more and more money at it to prop up the private sector and it will collapse like all the other big infrastructure projects in US.