In recent years, the dating scene for men has declined and degraded in quality for any number of reasons - dating apps commodifying relationships, women developing unrealistic standards, etc…

If sexbots were to come to market which could convincingly emulate personalities and human behavior, would you completely switch over to them and stop trying to date real women?

Or would sexbots just be an occasional “fling” or something you would avoid entirely?

  • @Faendol
    111 year ago

    Ngl this is an incel ass take. Women wanting you to wash your ass isn’t an unrealistic standard. Take a shower, work out, and actually go outside. A girlfriend is a shit ton more than a sex bot.

    • ShadowRunnerOP
      11 year ago

      What a load of BS. Where did I say that unrealistic standards referred to basic hygiene and the ability to enjoy being out of the house?

      You’re making up imaginary statements and then refuting them. Try improving your reading comprehension.

      • @Faendol
        21 year ago

        It was a satirical take on your absurd worldview that women have developed “unrealistic standards”. The only thing women have developed is rights, it’s an absurd overgeneralization to assume all women suddenly have unrealistic standards.

        • ShadowRunnerOP
          21 year ago

          There’s nothing absurd about it. Your ignorance doesn’t make your perspective valid.

  • iNeedScissors67
    31 year ago

    Lol no, I’m quite happy being married to a real woman. Even before I was married, dating was never so hard that I’d replace it with a sexbot. Younger me probably would have had one for when I was home alone and bored, but not to replace real women.

  • insomniac_lemon
    11 year ago

    I’m already a shut-in who has never dated (and no real hope to), but also I would never be able to afford that and I am already weird enough.

  • CyberCatBytes
    111 months ago

    Lowkey bordering off-topic here but I honestly feel like anybody who thinks real people can be replaced by something like sex robots shouldn’t be attempting to seriously date in the first place

    • ShadowRunnerOP
      111 months ago

      Two things to consider are:

      1. In my hypothetical, I did say that these were androids which could convincingly emulate personalities and human behavior. In other words, they would be capable of fulfilling psychological and emotional sides of a relationship.

      2. The dating scene is particularly rough for men at the moment for various reasons. The internet’s effect on social activities magnifies that, and the shift to work-from-home has made it worse.