How do notifications work in the official Telegram Android app (Play Store vs Site version maybe)? Does it have the same mechanism as Signal, which only recognizes the presence of notifications via Google services, but sends them via its web socket service?

  • FarLine99@lemmy.worldOP
    1 year ago

    No, they don’t have the same privileges as root permissions. this is easily demonstrated by the camera app built into LineageOS when you enable ignore mode for camera in App Ops and it crashes. and google services also start making very untypical requests for access to stuff.

    Yes, but there aren’t many apps that respect privacy on my phone compared to the usual ones).

    • Gooey0210
      1 year ago

      Ok, I didn’t know, it’s just usually I see some notifications like “priv app is the same as root, be careful”. Thank you

      About the apps, I recommend switching, it’s not as scary as I sounds, most of the apps have an alternative or sth like that