A couple months ago the findings against Hunter Biden were nothing, not even worth taking to court, only under GOP pressure did the Trump appointed prosecutor take it to court. Now it seems like a big deal and 17 years (max). What happened? Why the change? Was new evidence found?

  • Echo5@lemmy.world
    1 年前

    I’m not read up on specifics of what is and isn’t appropriate for a politician (especially president) in business dealings with foreign entities, there might be a technical issue there. Here’s some stuff written about “the other side” that could apply: https://lifehacker.com/is-it-illegal-for-a-president-to-make-money-from-outsid-1837982914 And https://constitutioncenter.org/blog/does-the-constitution-put-limits-on-a-presidents-private-business-ties

    Regardless, there does seem to be a problem with honesty in how Joe has handled this (denying his profit from Hunter’s dealings), which leads to questions of what else has possibly been fabricated or covered up. Which is one reason why there continues to be an investigation. As far as it being partisan, sure, everything is these days. So is the Trump investigation- I’ve seen rhetoric that mirrors what you said but flipped for him. Doesn’t mean these investigations should be brushed off though, especially since there are breadcrumbs. I hope justice treats everybody equally- and quickly, though I know that’s uncharacteristic for the system.

    • naught
      1 年前

      It’s a good idea to treat both of these situations with the same level of scrutiny and skepticism-- good point.

      Trump properties have hosted thousands of visits by foreign leaders, Republican members of Congress, lobbyists, and political candidates, among others. As determined in an analysis by the Center for Responsive Politics, they’ve spent just under $19 million on use of Trump properties, most of which came after Trump already became president

      (from the article you posted)

      From what I’ve read from Comer’s report, it sounds like Hunter paid Joe three installments of a little over $1,000. It was also in repayment of a loan, so not really profit, per se. This seems to be mudslinging and pandering and instilling FUD around Biden leading up to the elections.

      This is all not to mention that Hunter doesn’t have a job in politics, which was another huge problem with Trump’s cabal.

      I think the nepotism and dealings with fraudsters and autocrats are deeply concerning, but Biden has yet to be implicated. His son rightfully admitting to and paying for his crimes, repaying his debts doesn’t strike me as the most pressing issue at the moment. Are we really worried that the millionaire president is being bribed in 4 figure sums by foreign agents?