A maximum indoor temperature working law giving people a day off if workplace temperatures surpass 30C should be mandated by government, a new report recommends.
The report by the Fabian Society thinktank highlights inequalities in who bears the brunt of the impacts of climate breakdown and puts responsibility on bosses and landlords to stop people from overheating.
An increasing number of people are dying from excessive heat in the UK. More than 4,500 people died in England in 2022 due to high temperatures, which was the largest figure on record. Between 1988 and 2022, almost 52,000 deaths associated with the hottest days were recorded in England, with a third of them occurring since 2016, data from the Office for National Statistics shows. During the same 35-year period analysed, more than 2,000 people died in Wales due to the warm temperatures.
86 F for Americans.
Seems warm for manual labor, seems fine for typing.
Many of our buildings are built to deal with cold winters, rather than hot summers. 30 is fine in a properly designed office. Add in stale stuffy air, and rising humidity and it quickly becomes extremely unpleasant.
I’ve worked full tilt, outside in 42°C temperatures, without issues. 32 in UK buildings and weather can leave me effectively useless.
The way to build for cold winters is effectively the same as for hot summers, thick insulation and ventilation. There’s a few differences but the fundamentals are the same. UK houses are just shite all round, built for cheap construction costs and maximum developer profit.
‘Fine’ if they’re fine with me wearing a tanktop and track shorts. I can be motionless and sweat at 85+ F
Indeed. A shirt and trousers is absolutely lovely attire for sitting in a room that’s 30°C. No thanks.
I’m guessing the humidity was way lower wherever you were comfortable at 30°C, it’s fine at the beach but in Britain it makes your brain start to melt!
Ehh, my ac unit wasn’t working properly this summer. I’m in the southern US. It would get up to 85° F in the house and I’d be pretty sweaty by the end of the day.
Sure, it was fine, but it wasn’t comfortable by any means.