The NRA could do us all a favor and just torch themselves.
Rule 1, civility. Warning, no ban.
I’m sorry, as an ex-card carrying NRA member, as well as someone who grew up with their gun safety programs, I don’t feel there was anything uncivil about my observation.
I could have been apoplectic, or polemic, or vitriolic; instead I chose to use the same verb Fox News did, only applied it to the NRA. If that’s uncivil, was the original headline as well?
How dare politicians try to close loopholes. That might show that gun control works, and we can’t have that.
That “loophole” was an intentional compromise to prevent an unconstitutional defacto registry.
Without private sales, background checks become unconstitutional.
Just go after the 2nd directly, Im sure it would go over real well.
Just go after the 2nd directly, Im sure it would go over real well.
It would be a crime to even think about rewriting our holy document that is being interpreted as obtuse as possible. The children should instead continue dying.
It would be a crime to disarm the people, but you’re for that particular crime, right? Cant have the people able to defend themselves, right?
It would be a crime to disarm the people,
Some people should be disarmed (domestic abusers, felons, people who fail to prove themselves capable of safely owning a gun), and some people shouldn’t be disarmed because they are safe gun owners. That isn’t a crime, that’s common sense.
Cant have the people able to defend themselves, right?
The chances of a gun saving your life are minimal, and are far outweighed by the fact that everyone having guns increases the need to defend yourself in the first place.
I don’t have a problem with people (idiotically) owning guns for “self protection”, but a minimum you should be able to prove you can safely own it and use it.
people who fail to prove themselves capable of safelt owning a gun
a minimum you should be able to prove you can safely own it and use it.
We used to have those kinds of laws. They were called Jim Crow laws.
Also, that’s called a poll tax, and it’s still considered racist today.
But of course, that’s what gun control is, isn’t it? Racism with some good PR behind it.
Are drivers liscenses racist too?
Theres an argument. Hell, requiring ID, like a drivers license, to vote is considered racist.
Fuck Fox News.
Rule 3 violation.
What makes Fox News so bad? Make the argument.
What makes Fox News bad?? Lol.
Wait, you’re serious?
Please try to be constructive.
Fox News lost a $781 MILLION DOLLAR LAWSUIT FOR LYING. Exactly what would it look like to be constructive about a “news” company that was found guilty of systemic lying?
I haven’t sold a firearm in years. The democrats are always trying to make new laws but don’t enforce the ones on the books.