• Cows Look Like Maps
    377 months ago

    “I am driving a lifted DODGE RAM TRUCK”

    "My lifted DODGE RAM TRUCK has BLINDING WHITE LED headlights positioned EXACTLY at EYE LEVEL. "

    “I am currently TAILGATING you in the RIGHT LANE even though you’re going TWENTY MILES AN HOUR over the speed limit and the LEFT LANE is OPEN.”

    “There are MONSTER ENERGY and FOX RACING stickers on the rear windshield of my lifted DODGE RAM TRUCK.”

    “There are PERFECTLY CLEAN mud tires and MASSIVE CHROME RIMS on my lifted DODGE RAM TRUCK.”

    “I make THIRTY-ONE THOUSAND DOLLARS a year and thought that that was a WISE FINANCIAL DECISION.”

    “I bring cases of BUD LIGHT to girls at high school parties while my wife and children are at home.”

    “My lifted DODGE RAM TRUCK has a GUN RACK which holds the AR-15 that I bought at WAL-MART.”

    “YETI COOLERS kick ass!”

    • @[email protected]
      87 months ago

      All that product placement just highlights how much of right-wing ideology is really just brand loyalty.

    • @[email protected]
      67 months ago

      I used to have fun with these guys.

      I used to have one of the old Geo Metro cars from the 1990’s. This was a 3-cylinder, 55 horsepower car that got prius-level gas mileage. The fun part is people who know what it is would break any law and do any amount of damage to their car just to avoid being behind it, even if I was going at or above the speed limit.

      There was a spot in town that almost always had a cop running a speed trap. And early every morning on the way home from work, I would use the little car to bait Mr. Dodge Ram or Mr. Super Duty right past the speed trap at 70 mph.

    • @[email protected]
      -387 months ago

      How does this differ from saying that women belong in the kitchen, or that being black means you rob people?

      Stereotyping has, for my entire lifetime, until the past few years (trump I guess, until trump…), been something you’d only really see happening among the Republican types.

      Now it’s become almost an exclusively Dem thing…

      I get the whole “statistically speaking” aspect (I have a LOT of neighbors with lifted ram trucks on very clean mud tires) of your comment, but that same logic is behind all the other stereotypes as well… How is yours good and theirs bad?

      • @[email protected]
        137 months ago

        What this moronic, completely asinine “argument” intentionally neglects to consider is that being a douchebag is not the same as being born to specific parents. No one here gives a flying fuck about your campaign to discourage votes for Biden.

      • @[email protected]
        127 months ago

        “Judging me for what I choose is equivalent to me judging others for what they are!”

        • @[email protected]
          -77 months ago

          Except I’m specifically talking about the specific act of stereotyping them…

          Do you judge people who propagate stereotypes as being good people? (Apparently if the stereotype is “the other guys” it’s totally righteous…? I disagree)

          Being shitty to shitty people doesn’t exempt you from being shitty… The end result isn’t a shitty person and a good person, it’s two shitty people.

      • NoIWontPickaName
        117 months ago

        If you have a lifted truck, with clean mud tires and chrome, with no scratches on it, I will make fun of you and your fake ass.

        I won’t feel bad about it.

        • @[email protected]
          16 months ago

          I mean, even if they’re dirty… having lived in Texas a bit, the adults who talk about ‘big boy toys’ and think ‘muddin’ is how they want to spend their weekends are immature in every aspect of life. Some are decent people, but still. Overlaps with alcoholism, pill abuse, shitty music, family abuse, carrying guns with them to 7-11 because they’re fearful, and shitty bigoted politics.

        • @[email protected]
          -107 months ago

          I will too actually :)

          I’m just not digging the stereotype. Not in defence of the recipients, but rather as a desire to see the proprietors be better, because they generally have been in the past…

          I’m chaotic neutral, I voted JoJo, sue me /shrug

          • @[email protected]
            87 months ago

            You are obviously lying. No one believes you voted for Biden after you claim that bigotry is exclusively a democratic voter trait. Maybe next time try to troll a little more subtly

            • Bob
              27 months ago

              Regardless of their trolling, JoJo was a nickname for Jo Jorgenson, the libertarian candidate in the 2020 election.

              • @[email protected]
                17 months ago

                Yeah, I had forgotten that. At the time though, I thought they were trying to mock Biden with a cutesy nickname.

            • @[email protected]
              -57 months ago

              I literally called it a historically republican trait… And I didn’t claim to have voted for Biden…

              Some of y’all are getting as oddly zealous with this shit as the trump types are, and it’s kinda unnerving.

      • @[email protected]
        97 months ago

        the first stereotype you mentioned is a lot more harmful, and targets minority groups or people that faced lots of oppression through history so there’s an existing power dynamic that they reinforce, whereas the classic truck driving republican is a much more represented group that has never faced historic discrimination.

        Another reason is that politically, their right wing ideology is definitively also a lot more harmful to many people as the core of right wing ideology is power through oppression, and so mimicking the forms of oppression they enact on others is somewhat empowering for less represented and less powerful groups.

        That’s my impression of it at least

        • @[email protected]
          16 months ago

          It’s not even a logical comparison. They say a sign of intelligence is making good analogies…

        • @[email protected]
          -177 months ago

          So it’s not wrong to stereotype, as long as you can claim “moral superiority” while doing so?

          I personally think that’s been the narrative the entire time… All I can offer as an ambivalent is that it don’t make it right, but at least your version is less wrong…

          I suppose that is what we vote on these days though, whatever’s the least fucky…

          • @[email protected]
            67 months ago

            it’s a little bit more objective that “claiming moral superiority”, as one side does a lot more harm than the other

            • @Peppycito
              -37 months ago

              Except that it puts us all on two “teams” which just encourages hate. Yes, the red “team” is worse in every way, but unless we make personal connections on both sides as human beings we’ll just keep fighting each other and the ruling class will walk right past with their gobs of money and influence. Petty name calling plays right in to that.

      • Cows Look Like Maps
        87 months ago

        Ah yes, a copy-pasta about trucks is literally the same as oppressing women and black people. The long and brutal history of truck owner marginalization must be stopped!

        Also jokes on you, I don’t fit your stereotype of being an American on the internet.

  • @Aurenkin
    167 months ago

    I guess they must not care, because they put all that effort in and then wrote “I don’t care” at the bottom.

  • IWantToFuckSpez
    117 months ago

    So why the grinch then who hates Christmas. Also if they like the troops so much why do they keep voting for Republicans who deny healthcare for sick veterans. They only like the troops because of jingoism.

    • @[email protected]
      16 months ago

      These are also people who want ‘small government!!’ while they support unlimited spending and power for police and the military.

    • 520
      14 months ago

      So why the grinch then who hates Christmas.

      Because even Dr Seuss is too much for them to be able to read.

  • The Barto
    97 months ago

    But that Grinch they used is the Christmas Hating Grinch, his heart is still 2 sizer too small.