With a border deal hanging in the balance and the Iowa caucuses a month away, Donald Trump amplified his attack on immigrants at a rally in New Hampshire on Saturday.
“They’re poisoning the blood of our country,” the former president said. “They’ve poisoned mental institutions and prisons all over the world. Not just in South America, not just the three or four countries that we think about, but all over the world they’re coming into our country from Africa, from Asia.”
While in the White House, Trump sought to deter immigration by building a wall on the U.S.-Mexico border, building some 450 miles of fencing along the nearly 2,000-mile border, much of which replaced existing barriers. In addition to strict border security measures, his administration also implemented a travel ban for people from several predominantly Muslim countries.
“poisoning the blood of our country”
This country was brown before the Europeans got here, and Trump’s family didn’t even get here until the early 1900’s like the Irish and Russian portion of my family. He’s a second generation American basically shit talking his own grandfather, yeah yeah I know, his grandfather is white so his immigration “doesn’t count”.
Racist prick just keeps showing who he is, while millions of black and brown folk ignore the racism and still vote for him and his MAGAklan homies.
It’s even worse than that, only 1% of people in America don’t have an immigrant ancestor even as far back as one great grandparent.
Every single one of his supporters save maybe for some very desperately confused indigenous folks is a hypocrite of the fucking first order.
And I’ve seen video of plenty of instances of MAGA telling them “go back to your own country”, it’s like “motherfucker, this is their country, same as all the Mexicans you complain about”, the entire southwest from Texas to Cali used to belong to these people.
Not really, the folks that cross the borders and the folks for whom the old north was home are two VERY different groups of people.
In fact the latter are pretty liable to despise the former for a lot of mostly racist reasons.
Doesn’t matter, my point still stands, they’re all “American” too, we who descend from the colonizers, their slaves, and later wave immigrants are not, I’m just saying they have no ground to stand on when they tell these people “go back to your country”.
My point is that viewing it like that is reducing all indigenous peoples in the Americas to a single category, which they themselves much disagree with, see CGPGrey’s vid on the term “Native American”,
The narrative around the Aztecs for example often ignores that they themselves were a colonial settler state imposing foreign culture and religion against native people and extorting tribute of blood and resources by force of arms, in fact it ignores that so thoroughly that those same actual indigenous peoples are demonized in Mexico for “betraying” the Aztecs when they all sided with Cortez against them.
The Aztecs are an indigenous people of the fucking Rockies, they are more related to first nations residing in Idaho than they do the people indigenous to “their” land, but those facts disappear when we treat the Americas and everyone indigenous to them collectively as a unit.
Calling North America Turtle Island as anti colonialism also imposes against a lot of native traditions that have no such conception of the land they live on.
I’d hardly call myself a scholar of Indigenous American anthropology but I mean just look at a language map of pre colonial America and you can see that there’s a lot of nuance to just saying “it’s their land” when referring to central and South American migrants even of almost entirely indigenous descent, it’d be like saying that Palestine is native Zulu land because colonized people on the same general macro-continent.
Not to mention how the idea of land being something you can slap a possessive pronoun on in the first place is anti-freedom of movement and is currently the chief excuse held up for the genocide of my kin in Gaza.
You can’t own land, you can be from there, you can have a document that gives you the rights to control it, you can erect places of significance to you on that land, but you can’t own it, the land is it’s own, it doesn’t parcel itself to match who we say it belongs to, it doesn’t recognize what person’s feet walk over it or who’s blood is spilled in the name of it, it’s been here since long before our most distant ancestors could even leave the oceans to come upon it and it will be here long after our most distant descendents are dead or have long forgotten this place we arrogantly say is ours as if we could own an entire planet.
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It’s just typical dog bites man shit for him. He was probably talking about his three wives anyway. His apologists will trot out and say, “He didn’t really mean it”, like always.
Literally copying Hitler.
Hitler went to jail for a failed coup attempt before taking power
This dipshit has miscalculated his age in his grand copycat dicktater plot.
He’s much older than Hitler was. He ain’t gonna last the prison time he’s getting.
Will be the most glorious of days when evil incarnate finally dies.
Glorious until they start mythologizing him more than they already do.
Living under the ghost of Reagan has been bad enough; I shudder to think what living under the ghost of Trump would be like.
It can’t be any worse than living with the real thing. I’ll take a dead Trump over a live one every time.
This isnt even a thinly-veiled comment. This is openingly White Nationalist language.
He’s pretty openly white nationalist. Despite what apologists might say. Or his own lying ass.
As I watch the Muslim community threatening Joe Biden, I really truly wonder if they could actually cut their own noses off and vote for this clear threat to their existence in America.
That anyone can stand up and say this to a crowd of Americans and still legitimately have a chance to win the presidency is terrifying.
Understanding this phenomena is part of tolerance. Muslims are very hierarchal culturally. Generally new immigrants see themselves as on the lower end of the hierarchy with several layers of people above them who are within their rights to oppress them. Unfortunately, Muslims tend to see LGBTQ+ as belonging below them. Biden might be saying “we’ll make America better for you”, but until they see LGBTQ+ people as worse off than them, someone with a hierarchal mindset will not feel better off.
Trump might say “we’re going to oppress Muslims”, but he’s also saying “we’re going to oppress gays and trans much more”. Someone that’s hierarchal minded will see that as improving his position in society. Their position isn’t absolute, it’s relative.
To beat this we have to understand that most immigrants, not just Muslims, have a hierarchical mindset. We need to fight against social hierarchy as a mindset, and include that in the messaging we give to new immigrants. We also have to understand that LGBTQ+ rights are going to lose us considerable immigrant vote and time our pushes accordingly to ensure the best chance of success and the fastest possible progress.
Are you a Muslim? You’re very confident that you know how Muslims think.
Lol, I’m not sure what part you’re debating here. Arab/Muslim culture is very hierarchal and generally not pro LGBT. I’ve lived in Muslim countries long enough to understand those two things. Those are the only 2 “assumptions” I’ve made, everything else applies generally to a hierarchical (or socialy conservative) mindset.
If you want to debate those two facts feel free, I’d love to hear that there has been enough positive change in the last decade that most Arab countries are no longer hierarchal/patriarchal or have come around on LGBT rights.
Let me know, I’d love to see the studies!
So you’re not Muslim, then. Got it
The trick is really to give Joe as much hell as possible so hes scared we won’t. Doesn’t mean we have to keep our word.
Joe’s been at this a long time. He dgaf what people who can’t vote against him think.
They don’t have to vote for Trump. If enough people stay home then that may be all that’s needed. One thing for certain is that the right wingers aren’t going to stay home.
So you’re saying that the Muslim community is stupid enough to stay home and let Trump win? Clearly they’re aware of this reality as you are. That doesn’t make sense to me.
It beats the other message of Americans second. People are watching Chicago and NYC go down the tubes under the burden of illegal immigration. Marginalized communities are also seeing thier hand outs get taken by said groups.
So yea an American first message is very compelling and every day more people are flocking to it
This is not a coherent position. You’re basically just talking about feelings, not actual facts or policy.
Also, where can I find this “Americans second” message you speak of? Where did you see or hear that? Are you sure you’re not making it up?
Don’t feed the Nazi zombies.
Read up on new york. Illegal migrants are now taking poor new Yorkers food and shelter spots.
Go look at Chicago and the black marches against the mayor.
As long as the souther border is open then bidens message is Americans second.
Seems like you’ve been manipulated by propaganda. Your response is regurgitating talking points. It’s not a thoughtful, meaningful response to the questions posed to you.
I present to you things that are actually happening and you ignore it. I think you ate the one consuming too much propaganda.
Here are migrants taking low income new Yorkers food
Here are black Chicago residents seeing the mayor to get deportations going
Of course I know the play book you operate on. You will ignore it or claim the sources are bias continuing to live in your own echo chamber.
Mean while the poor and desolate continue to get screwed over by bidens open immigration policy.
Yeah, how often do you even read anything outside your own echo chamber, i wonder?
I don’t reject sources because of who said it. I actually read stuff I don’t expect to agree with. Then I reject stuff I now know is founded on stupid arguments…
Oh, and without immigration, America would not exist. They are the blood of this country. Just saying.
There is a difference between legal amd illegal immigration. But you already know that.
The poor and desolate are not such due to Biden “Open Immigration policy” (lmao, Biden has been continuing the same policies put in place by his predecessor as you can see here) but rather by the continued steal of resources put forward by commercial entities which have used the events of these past years to ramp-up the prices of their goods and services well beyond the natural increase rate caused by the same events (see point 2 of the paragraph “Ways to fight inflation” in the report at this link for reference).
Of course I know the play book you operate on. You will ignore it or claim the sources are bias continuing to live in your own echo chamber.
Mean while the poor and desolate continue to get screwed over by interest groups and this capitalist-centred society.
Billions are being spent on new illegal migrants over the poor and desolate Biden could have closed the border and used that money and the tens if not hundreds of billions sent to the Ukraine to fox homelessness here in the states.
The blood ? Wow.
And the soil.
I feel like I’m taking crazy pills. Israel, Argentina, Trump, just full blown fascism without a hint of irony. It’s like they read the stories of the past but were incapable of learning from it. They better learn quick because the last guy that made an earnest effort went to sleep on the cold concrete of a bunker with his wife and kids. They’re delusional if they think it’ll end differently.
It’s like they read the stories of the past but were incapable of learning from it.
That or took the wrong lessons from it, which seems more likely.
I remember when this guy told America to drink bleach to cure Covid.
Injecting bleach, wasn’t it?
Obama is more American than Trump. Don has just one natural born US ancestor, Fred Sr. He married two immigrants, most of his kids have just two natural born US ancestors, himself and Fred Sr.
Trump hire a bunch of undocumented workers at his properties because he can’t afford to pay market rates for his employees.
Trump doesn’t give af about the blood of our country, just another fascist using bigotry to gain power.
Is there any republican who isn’t saying similar things? I live in Iowa, so I have the potential to attend a republican caucus, but so far they are all some variation on the drill for oil (Iowa has no oil and is second in the nation for wind power), and immigrants bad (nearest border is 500 miles north). As a self described right wing liberal I’m not seeing anyone on the national stage speaking about issues I care about and immigration is one where I’m hostile to the dominate position.
Anybody from immigrant families votes for this guy…WTF.
Pretty sure Niki will if the orange one is nominated.
Interesting choice of words. This could be an excerpt straight out of Mein Kampf. Hitler wrote that “jews were poisoning the blood of germans”. Germans with jewish ancestry were not considered to be “pure blooded”. The Nuremberg Laws even had a classification based on blood “pureness”. [1] German nazi propaganda used to play a lot with these words. Take for example the children’s book Der Giftpilz (the poisonous mushroom), in which the book explains how the jews are secretely “posioning” the country. [2] Very interesting rhetoric.
[1] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nuremberg_Laws#Classifications_under_the_laws
Reminds me of the fact that the only book Trump is known to possess is one with Hitler’s speeches.
Just inject some bleach and it’ll clear that blood right up.
With all of it being fucking bad, him screeching like that means there’s no other option. He’s helpless, so he tries to contact the deepest fear of his base. It’sa good sign.
How is unabashed fascism a good sign? How blind do you have to be to think that he’s somehow losing the run for president?
It’s not good he can go for it, right.
It’s good he is so struggling he goes all-in into faschism to clutch these last percents of his userbase.
And I hope - losing others while doing so.
How is unabashed fascism a good sign?
It means Democrats can move even further to the right and still be able to say they’re the lesser evil.
The funny thing to me is that this is in New Hampshire, which is 88.8% non-Hispanic white while the national average is 58.9%. There aren’t a lot of immigrants in New Hampshire, but there is a lot of empty space. When I lived there, a guy down the road had a bumper sticker on his car saying something to the effect of “this country is full”. All around his house were just trees.
(But don’t get the wrong idea about New Hampshire. The southern part of the state has a lot of conservatives who weren’t happy in liberal Massachusetts, but overall the state is about 50/50, and it voted for Hillary back in 2016.)
He gonna make Mexico pay for it, too!1!!
lol only suckers support such a fool.