I accidentally downvoted myself.
I accidentally downvoted myself.
It was either that or a name based on obscure details of skull morphology.
synapsids have a single temporal fenestra, an opening low in the skull roof behind each eye socket, leaving a bony arch beneath each; this accounts for the name “synapsid”
I’ll take the boobs.
Maybe it varies by industry. I’m a software developer and even as an employee, I’m expected (but not formally required) to learn about advances in the relevant technologies, programming languages, etc. on my own time. If I didn’t and I was fired because my skills weren’t what the company needed anymore then I would get unemployment benefits, but I don’t see how either wage theft or improper dismissal could occur unless the company did something really weird.
It’s surprising to me that the relevant treaty allows lawsuits for the value of potential future profits rather than just compensation for actual losses, but if that’s what Greenland agreed to in order to encourage foreign investment then I don’t think Greenland has grounds to complain when it is expected to follow through. You can’t have your cake and eat it too.
not how most places function
That hasn’t been my experience. Even places that pay for employees to get certified expect those employees to study on their own time unless they’re sent to formal training.
Modern heat pumps are efficient enough to be cost-competitive and electric stoves are not universally liked but technically functional. However, what are buildings supposed to do about water heaters? Aren’t electric water heaters a lot more expensive to operate than gas or oil ones?
I don’t know enough about legal precedents or the housing situation in BC to comment on the merits of the particular policy being litigated, but I feel it’s self-evident that restricting what people can do with their property is, in general, a bad thing. Such restrictions are often necessary to prevent some other, even worse outcome and that may be the case here, but why would you cheer this part of the article in isolation?
I’m not convinced that Trump has done better against the Democrats than an ordinary pre-MAGA Republican candidate would have. It’s normal for the party in power to switch every eight years, and in that context the unusual thing about Trump is not that he won in 2016 but that he lost in 2020. Biden/Harris’s loss in 2024 is also unusual but so is running a senile candidate, forcing him to step aside far too late, and then replacing him with his vice president who has no significant accomplishments and no way to distance herself from his unpopular policies.
There is something important that Democrats need to change about their strategy, but that’s running candidates based on their appeal to the public rather than on their seniority within the party. I had hoped that they learned that lesson after Hillary Clinton’s failure but they didn’t. I think they will do well if they run a young, charismatic centrist like Bill Clinton or Obama in 2028.
They’re not that expensive, at least not up-front. A guy I know bought a sailboat for a few thousand dollars, but the catch was that it was almost 50 years old and needed a lot of repairs. He saved money by doing the repairs himself, but the $400 per month slip fee was still too much for him eventually and he sold the boat.
It doesn’t have a record either way - it’s an unknown.
not voting for either of the girls with glasses
I don’t think that Democrats should turn away from their growing number of middle-class supporters in order to pivot to a platform that has no record of winning elections. The US economy is going to suffer over the next couple of years and the appeal of a “return to normalcy” party like the present-day Democrats will grow.
It’s worth considering why the Democrats failed to persuade the majority of voters that electing Trump in 2024 would be (among other things) an economic disaster, but nonetheless it’s going to be an economic disaster and voters won’t be happy. I expect that Trumpism will have no political future if (and that’s a big if) free elections are preserved.
I’m single, and I eat while playing. The sad thing is that I’m not actually super interested in video games these days but I don’t have much else going on.
He’d do it if Trump said to.
5.5 hours a day is easy when you have a job if you don’t have anything else going on. I have much more time for games as an adult than I did when I was a kid.
I had liability-only insurance but with a clause including 100% coverage specifically for windshield replacement. I’m not sure why. I used it twice (once per vehicle) over the years and my rates didn’t go up as far as I could tell.
One time I locked my keys inside my truck and then I decided it was a good time to get the crack in my windshield fixed. It really did have a crack, but I also didn’t have to pay to have the truck unlocked.
If I wanted to be constrained by flesh and bone then I’d be looking at 3D porn.
I think even this sort of compliment will be creepy to many (perhaps most) women. Am I wrong?
It’s ok, the atoms in the tax forms were also forged in ancient stars.