Is funny to claim people are “backwards idiots” when it’s literally the first time in history this political spectrum (anarcho-capitalist) has been elected. What’s fresher than a first time ever?
He hasnt done such thing? During Presidential Debates he literally brought them up…
And someone having friends that think alike? What a crazy concept!
Just like Peronism that reivindicated dictators around the world and has ties with Maduro’s Venezuela and China, even selling part of the country to them
Ah yes, fascists. Not like those werent in power until 2 weeks ago and the opposing candidate to Milei wasnt using government power to investigate, accuse and imprison (if not kill) those who made campaign against him
Not that has anything to do with Milei, but when you consider that… and the fact that Milei has done nothing but comply to his campaign promises you gotta wonder whos the real fascist… or even the definition
“The state is not going to pay for the use of the security forces; organizations that have legal status will have to pay or individuals will have to bear the cost”
The state sending invoices to accused protesters is a about the least ancap thing I’ve ever seen. Such a fresh take.
German police as well as courts of account have actually been lobbying to make football clubs pay for the operations they cause for quite some while. Would be tied to events with a commercial orientation attracting crowds > 5000 people or something along those lines.
Considering that the security forces will only incur when protesters take away the fundamental right of transiting the streets… which is a crime, an Invoice instead of prison is rather light
Now is it anarcho capitalist? Well people paying for their actions and its consequences being a law sounds rather anarcho-capitalist to me
In that case, could you please number the “Actions” they’ve done that deem them fascist? It’s been 7 days of government, im sure you’ll have no issue narrowing them down in such a timeframe. I would like details if you are able to provide, thanks!
Thanks for the summary, unfortunately I must correct some inaccuracies on the provided bullet points
Number 1: The threat of Jail is only for those protesters who incur on Blocking Public roads and or depriving other citizens of their right to freely transit, which has always been against the law, which makes them Criminals. The threat of Jail is only for criminals. And the claim of shooting protesters is from someone NOT in the government, in fact they are opposition so it’s not attributable to the government in any way.
Hope this helps to make a clearer vision of what they have/are actually doing, would you please be so kind to update the list so we can see how many fascist things they are doing with that clarified?
Not out in the woods necessarily, but it certainly wouldnt make a horrible protest place either.
They just have to do it like how Argentines protested against The Minister of Economy ot the Previous Government (Milei’s opponent in the presidential elections) where they manifested, called and paid by no one (unlike these “Piqueteros” the article talks about), on a Sunday and blocked no streets or pathways. Simple as that!
There’s been a gazillion times people from that particular political spectrum, that is, neo-feudalists, have been in power.
No actual anarchist ever has ever considered ancaps to be anything else than that, ancaps plain and simply aren’t anarchist. You cannot be an anarchist while supporting systems of rule such as, to wit, capitalism.
Ancaps are called Ancaps by Anarchists for that reason, yes, not because “anarcho-” wouldn’t otherwise be indicative of actual anarchism. Anarcho-syndicalism, anarcho-primitivism, the list is endless. Luckily we got spared Anarcho-withoutadjectivesism.
Either they’re trying to appropriate our good reputation, or they’re just clueless idiots. Or both. Very likely both.
Half the country voted for the Minister of Economy that ran the economy to the ground, used 2 Points of the Country’s GDP for his Political campaign and was also Defacto President the past 2 Years (not democratically elected) using the Ideology that has governed Argentina for 20 Years now
I think you just cracked the code who the “Backwards idiots” you so speak of might be
All I can say is that Wikipedia is not a reliable source but I understand investigating profoundly every minor topic is a nuisance, but if you don’t, it all basically boils down to “trust me bro” which is what my answer is about to be:
Jose Luis Espert is a Libertarian Legislator sure, but not on Milei’s Party, he and her companion are their own block “Avanza Libertad” while Milei’s block is “La Libertad Avanza” which Understandably might cause confusion, but the fact is that they arent the same. Meanwhile Espert’s block is affiliated with “The Pro” or “Juntos por el Cambio” who Milei’s government has made a coallition with to be enabled to govern/pass laws in the Senate. Basically an alliance
Espert is NOWHERE in that picture however. The english article might just be outdated, tho as Milei and Espert used to be friends but they went separate ways when Espert Joined the Pro like 7 months ago. Would recommend the spanish article which is somewhat more accurate
In case you really are intersted, I would suggest r/Argentina on Reddit or r/Republica_Argentina again on Reddit
To clarify the former is more right-oriented (pro current gov, against past) and the latter is Left-oriented (pro past gov, against current)
Official new sources straight from Argentina are hard to trust, as they used to be Paid by the government and served as propagandists for it until like a week ago since Milei made a decree to halt said Payments for at least a Year (You can search about this with the term “Pauta oficial Argentina”)
They’re not hard to trust they are impossible to trust. They are fantasy, fiction publications. That’s to be expected when there’s no such thing as anti corruption and half the country is illiterate.
And yet the Argentinian middle class decides it is good to listen to corporate group news mostly.
Here we have few state sponsored media channels. And if they were many, rest assured they have neither the power nor the success of Clarín and La Nación, the two biggest players in the media bussiness in the country. To be completely fair, most news media in Argentina (at least, 80% of which by far those two i mentioned previously are made of) is basically right leaning.
In some cases, too much to look the other way. But Argentinians have success in defeating logic and facts with fictitious campaign slogans, complete disdain for history and ridicule understandings of economics.
That is why the right wing is so strong here.
This new president we got surely is gonna be respecting of freedom /s
I don’t know how an Anti-Corruption office would go with Media Outlets spewing misinformation, free speech is fundamental after all. If they say something that’s wrong they should be sued by the affected, people should loose interest in their channel and it would die off because there’s no profit when nobody watches or trusts them.
On another hand, there are some trustable ones but of course who those are varies from person to person, for now let’s just wait until the ones that cant survive without the government’s money die off and we’ll put up to public scrutiny the rest
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Exactly. Argentina has had an issue with right wing, backwards ass idiots for a long time. They’re getting what they wanted
Is funny to claim people are “backwards idiots” when it’s literally the first time in history this political spectrum (anarcho-capitalist) has been elected. What’s fresher than a first time ever?
They can call themselves whatever they want this decade, they’re nothing new.
In that case would you mind explaining what they are that has already been there and has only gotten a glow up?
I bet historians and economists would love to be enlightened
They are fascists. Those existed before.
It appears that we have different definitions of fascism
“A far right political ideology that is anti-democratic, ultra nationalist, and totalitarian”
Which… yeah doesnt fit at all to his so far 7 days of government
Are you really talking about the guy that denies Videla’s regime crimes? A guy that is a friend of far-right leaders around the world?
He hasnt done such thing? During Presidential Debates he literally brought them up…
And someone having friends that think alike? What a crazy concept! Just like Peronism that reivindicated dictators around the world and has ties with Maduro’s Venezuela and China, even selling part of the country to them
Glad they didnt win.
deleted by creator
Lol, if you think this guy is anything other than your run of the mill fascist, I’ve got a bridge to sell you.
Ah yes, fascists. Not like those werent in power until 2 weeks ago and the opposing candidate to Milei wasnt using government power to investigate, accuse and imprison (if not kill) those who made campaign against him
Not that has anything to do with Milei, but when you consider that… and the fact that Milei has done nothing but comply to his campaign promises you gotta wonder whos the real fascist… or even the definition
“The state is not going to pay for the use of the security forces; organizations that have legal status will have to pay or individuals will have to bear the cost”
The state sending invoices to accused protesters is a about the least ancap thing I’ve ever seen. Such a fresh take.
German police as well as courts of account have actually been lobbying to make football clubs pay for the operations they cause for quite some while. Would be tied to events with a commercial orientation attracting crowds > 5000 people or something along those lines.
Considering that the security forces will only incur when protesters take away the fundamental right of transiting the streets… which is a crime, an Invoice instead of prison is rather light
Now is it anarcho capitalist? Well people paying for their actions and its consequences being a law sounds rather anarcho-capitalist to me
Man, you sure are making a good argument against anarcho-capitalism.
The principle of no-agression and respecting the other’s freedom are literally the principles or Anarcho-capitalism
This measures ensure that those are enforced, how is it against anarcho-capitalism?
I never signed no no-aggression treaty and as ancaps don’t consider social contracts valid I’d say I’m free to to whatever the fuck I want.
What are you on about?
Are you confusing principles and ideals of an ideology for an instated regime? Or what’s your point here
Names mean nothing, their actions are fascist
In that case, could you please number the “Actions” they’ve done that deem them fascist? It’s been 7 days of government, im sure you’ll have no issue narrowing them down in such a timeframe. I would like details if you are able to provide, thanks!
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Thanks for the summary, unfortunately I must correct some inaccuracies on the provided bullet points
Number 1: The threat of Jail is only for those protesters who incur on Blocking Public roads and or depriving other citizens of their right to freely transit, which has always been against the law, which makes them Criminals. The threat of Jail is only for criminals. And the claim of shooting protesters is from someone NOT in the government, in fact they are opposition so it’s not attributable to the government in any way.
Hope this helps to make a clearer vision of what they have/are actually doing, would you please be so kind to update the list so we can see how many fascist things they are doing with that clarified?
Exactly, they should only protest out in the woods where nobody will be inconvenienced.
Not out in the woods necessarily, but it certainly wouldnt make a horrible protest place either.
They just have to do it like how Argentines protested against The Minister of Economy ot the Previous Government (Milei’s opponent in the presidential elections) where they manifested, called and paid by no one (unlike these “Piqueteros” the article talks about), on a Sunday and blocked no streets or pathways. Simple as that!
There’s been a gazillion times people from that particular political spectrum, that is, neo-feudalists, have been in power.
No actual anarchist ever has ever considered ancaps to be anything else than that, ancaps plain and simply aren’t anarchist. You cannot be an anarchist while supporting systems of rule such as, to wit, capitalism.
“Ancaps arent Anarchists”
Yes… exactly. I see you understand why they are called different things
Ancaps are called Ancaps by Anarchists for that reason, yes, not because “anarcho-” wouldn’t otherwise be indicative of actual anarchism. Anarcho-syndicalism, anarcho-primitivism, the list is endless. Luckily we got spared Anarcho-withoutadjectivesism.
Either they’re trying to appropriate our good reputation, or they’re just clueless idiots. Or both. Very likely both.
Or… neither?
Words have meanings beyond the people that use them, if the meaning is appropiate for representing something, it shall be used.
Is not like “Phobia” is on many “Phobias” just for the sake of it.
No, words don’t have meaning to Ancaps or they would never have chosen the “anarcho-” prefix.
What would have you chosen instead then? Something more precise would be good to know.
Bro half the country doesn’t know how to read wtf are you talking about they aren’t backwards idiots?
I think you just cracked the code who the “Backwards idiots” you so speak of might be
“but he claimed to be Anarcho and anti-government”…
Turns out he was only opposed to good government!
Good thing that the person who said what this article claims IS NOT in the government…
Wikipedia continues:
So what indicates he’s not in the government?
All I can say is that Wikipedia is not a reliable source but I understand investigating profoundly every minor topic is a nuisance, but if you don’t, it all basically boils down to “trust me bro” which is what my answer is about to be:
Jose Luis Espert is a Libertarian Legislator sure, but not on Milei’s Party, he and her companion are their own block “Avanza Libertad” while Milei’s block is “La Libertad Avanza” which Understandably might cause confusion, but the fact is that they arent the same. Meanwhile Espert’s block is affiliated with “The Pro” or “Juntos por el Cambio” who Milei’s government has made a coallition with to be enabled to govern/pass laws in the Senate. Basically an alliance
Espert is NOWHERE in that picture however. The english article might just be outdated, tho as Milei and Espert used to be friends but they went separate ways when Espert Joined the Pro like 7 months ago. Would recommend the spanish article which is somewhat more accurate
Thank you for taking the time to explain your points and you are correct that I’ve only really seen headlines and white media about this new leader.
In case you really are intersted, I would suggest r/Argentina on Reddit or r/Republica_Argentina again on Reddit
To clarify the former is more right-oriented (pro current gov, against past) and the latter is Left-oriented (pro past gov, against current)
Official new sources straight from Argentina are hard to trust, as they used to be Paid by the government and served as propagandists for it until like a week ago since Milei made a decree to halt said Payments for at least a Year (You can search about this with the term “Pauta oficial Argentina”)
They’re not hard to trust they are impossible to trust. They are fantasy, fiction publications. That’s to be expected when there’s no such thing as anti corruption and half the country is illiterate.
And yet the Argentinian middle class decides it is good to listen to corporate group news mostly. Here we have few state sponsored media channels. And if they were many, rest assured they have neither the power nor the success of Clarín and La Nación, the two biggest players in the media bussiness in the country. To be completely fair, most news media in Argentina (at least, 80% of which by far those two i mentioned previously are made of) is basically right leaning. In some cases, too much to look the other way. But Argentinians have success in defeating logic and facts with fictitious campaign slogans, complete disdain for history and ridicule understandings of economics. That is why the right wing is so strong here.
This new president we got surely is gonna be respecting of freedom /s
I don’t know how an Anti-Corruption office would go with Media Outlets spewing misinformation, free speech is fundamental after all. If they say something that’s wrong they should be sued by the affected, people should loose interest in their channel and it would die off because there’s no profit when nobody watches or trusts them.
On another hand, there are some trustable ones but of course who those are varies from person to person, for now let’s just wait until the ones that cant survive without the government’s money die off and we’ll put up to public scrutiny the rest
The security minister is not in the govt?
The security minister is in the government, yes.
The person who said “prison or bullet” is not.