We have in previous posts dvelved into protocol and messaging framework improvements. The ideas presented earlier seem still solid after some time. Grand.

How about the server internal structure? It has two APIs, WebSocket interface via TLS port, and port 8077 for peer-to-peer server connection. Earlier, the websocket-proxy was a separate instance and the server itself had either centralized or peer configuration. With the new full peer-to-peering capabilities, the same logic can be applied or the instances can be merged. Running port 443 open is not everyone’s cup of tea, so if the capabilities are merged for simplification, some configuration options are needed to define the proper roles for the instance. Comments are welcome!

Regarding the Mles 2.0 library support, the proper improvement would be to still offer libraries for clients with no-std support (now missing). The server part will leverage the libraries, of course.

The next steps are to prototype the implementation into port 8078 and see how it works. Initial development already exists. Please comment, or let me know otherwise, if you’d like to join either in development or testing.
