🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣

TLDR - First few sentences

Christian Science does not agree with the theory that morals grow out of people’s behavior. It stands firmly on the ground that morals for mankind are derived from the divine Mind, God, and that they are therefore ageless. Morally right behavior pertaining to sex was revealed by Moses.

  • FabioTheNewOrder@lemmy.world
    9 months ago


    Is cathopedia catholic enough for you?

    You are as ignorant as adamant in your ignorance so I don’t think this will make any difference for your bigoted mindset but still it’s funny to see you squirm while trying to justify your position.

    I used the popes version of the story just because they should be considered the highest authority by people like you. If they did decide something that should be the law for all Catholics or are you suggesting you have more authority than the popes who lived during padre Pio’s time?

    Catholics do worship images, have you ever heard of so called “holy cards”? Italy is full of it and in Pietrelcina there’s a very profitable business running around them.

    When something miraculous begins, it has to be investigated.

    Three lines under this statement

    He lived in a monastery. You don’t need a doctor to declare it was a fraud if it was really a fraud.

    You really can’t make any sense, do you?

      • FabioTheNewOrder@lemmy.world
        9 months ago


        Just 12 euros for a set of “santini” with dedicated prayers on the back! Hurry up, stock is low and gullible people are abound!

        He refused to be visited by a doctor designated by the sant’Uffizio because he knew he would have been found a con. He was reinstated by people living well beyond his time and unable to corroborate or contradict his statements so it bear no weight in defining whether his wounds were of divine origin or not.

        When exumed from his tomb his body presented the normal state of decay a cadaver should be at after 40 years.

        He was a con man who had the luck to be born when the catholic church needed a con man to recover a bit of the influence it was losing due to people better education and he was used by the church itself exactly for this scope.

        The same goes for the three poor children who were taken advantage of by the church with their story about Mary appearance. So far all the profecies related to their tale have been proven unfounded, will there ever be a time when Christians will wake up from their fever dreams and start acting as normal humans in social environments? Only time will tell

          • FabioTheNewOrder@lemmy.world
            9 months ago

            Sure buddy, whatever you say.

            By the way, going outside and touch grass is a much better choice than watching an image of Jesus or a bare wall but there are many other options at your disposal, such as DnD, music, art, sports, literature or any other passtime you maybe believe to be satanic or whatever. Don’t throw your only chance at life away following something you can’t see or prove it’s there