Starting to feel crushed by the weight of the world, riddled with guilt and disappointment in myself over my choices. Nothing I can do about the past though.

What are some of the ways you guys get yourselves out of a bad headspace?

    1 year ago

    I take stock.

    What are my personal positive achievements?

    Where am I right now, is it a good place?

    It doesn’t have to be my final destination, but is it good?

    If I strip away all the fringe and lingering bullshit, am I safe and happy in this specific point in time?

    Like right now: I am on the couch drinking coffee on a Saturday morning. I have three dogs with me. I am safe and I am loved.

    What happens tomorrow is future zombie_kong’s problem. Not todays.

    Edit: you got this. It’s nothing. A mere blip in this adventure we call living.

      1 year ago

      Another thing that I like is considering not what I can do to “change my life in a year” but “what can I do tomorrow to improve my life even a little bit right now?”

      Instead of getting caught up on larger things that might take years to achieve, if I consider something I can change right now that will make tomorrow a better day, those changes will add up much more quickly and noticeably.

      Even if I can’t think of something, that’s fine. I can accept that, and just move on to the next day. The important thing is to ask myself this every day, so that I can give myself the option of making that change and having that reflection.