Policy video on assisted dying by a UK doctor. Youtube has decided not to promote it as an intense topic, so I’m putting it here.

FWIW, I don’t think the video will be particularly triggering. It’s heavy, but they are quite focused on the case of physiologically terminally ill patients.

  • j4k3@lemmy.world
    9 months ago

    I was hit by a car in 2014 and am in a slow decline of increasing pain and dysfunction. Disability is hard to get in the USA and pays less than minimum wage. No one can live on minimum wage. The way people are kept alive in a state of constant misery and stress, living in terrible circumstances, and ending up in a ditch on the street; that is far worse than the dignity of dying on your own terms. Just in Los Angeles proper there are an estimated 75k homeless. The Nazis sending the infirm to gas chambers was more humane than what the USA fails to address now. The right to die is an unalienable human right, but one that should never be prescribed or pushed on anyone.