I’ve switched to Firefox, proton mail and calendar, but what about google docs and drive? ty guys

  • animist
    441 year ago

    If you can afford it, make your next phone a Google Pixel and put GrapheneOS on it. Despite the phone being google, all the google crap will be removed by the OS.

    Nextcloud self-hosted to replace Google Drive.

    Install as many apps as possible from F-Droid and the rest via Aurora Store.

    • @[email protected]
      101 year ago

      Nextcloud self-hosted to replace Google Drive.

      I’m really reluctant to recommend Nextcloud. The software is buggy, it’s not e2e encrypted, and you’re liable to data less if your VPS goes down unless you’re good at managing cloud resources.

      For most people, a service is better.

      • animist
        71 year ago

        Depends on the person. I keep my NC on a Raspberry Pi in my home with a few backups on various media stashed off-site, all encrypted. Some people do want to go this far, some people don’t.

        I don’t find NC to be buggy, rather it has a learning curve if you’ve never installed server-type software before, but if you’re the kind of person who likes to DIY it can be a rewarding experience.

        The e2e part is true. This frustrates me because if I encrypt everything inside I can’t access the contents via the web interface, which is my main way of accessing my content. The e2e plugin they have doesn’t work on Raspberry Pis because it just causes the Pi to freeze constantly. My most sensitive files are kept in encrypted containers.

        I would say if someone just wants a managed solution, go with Proton Drive.

        • @[email protected]
          11 year ago

          NC is definitelly quite buggy. Almost every update something breaks and S3 integration is also a bit broken and has been for a while.

          • animist
            21 year ago

            Interesting. I’ve been using it for 3 years and it has never broken for me. Maybe it depends on certain factors.

      • BlinkerFluid
        71 year ago

        For most people, Syncthing is better. You don’t even need a server, just another device of similar capacity compatible with Syncthing.

        Nextcloud has a few easy cheats to get it working smooth these days. Docker all in one images are a thing. The only additional step I had was a cache and cron and I haven’t had one error.

        • GreyBeard
          31 year ago

          Yeah, if all you want to do is keep your data synced across multiple devices, syncthing is great. I even have it running on my NAS so I have a solid source to go back to for all devices, even if all my other devices are off or sleeping.

    • li10
      51 year ago

      Even though you’re saying install GrapheneOS, it still seems a bit odd to suggest a Google Pixel 😆

      • JimmyAllnighter
        121 year ago

        It is somewhat ironic, though GrapheneOS only supports Pixel phones. Having messed around with custom Android ROMs before, I can understand why the dev team are choosing a narrow selection of devices to maintain builds for. Just take a look at how many different Samsung phones there are out there - it would be a nightmare to try and support all of them!

      • beepaboopa
        41 year ago

        It’s one of the closest devices to AOSP spec, so not a bad starting point for Android, regardless of flavor.

      • @cyanarchy
        11 year ago

        Pixel, Moto, and Nexus have all been some of my favorites because the direct Google support means nobody is going to stop you from unlocking the bootloader and having your way with the system image.

    • @[email protected]
      1 year ago

      I’m rocking an older pixel. I got it on swappa for cheap. I rather send my money to someone other than G.

      CalyxOS and grapheneos are great options. The multiple user feature is useful if you want to keep work apps, bank apps, etc separate from other apps.

      • darcy
        11 year ago

        what havent you liked about it ?

        • milkytoastOP
          1 year ago

          missing just a lot of little features I’ve grown accustomed to. biggest ones I can remember are the tiny weather widget and the thing where the display doesn’t turn off if ur looking at it. also the UI wasn’t all that great imo

          I remember now, what pushed me all the way away was my bank app not working

          • darcy
            11 year ago

            fair. in my opinion, banking apps are not worth having on a phone due to the security risks. there are several alternative launchers available on f-droid :)

  • @[email protected]
    1 year ago

    Now where do I start lol, I’ve been on this journey for a few years, and I’d say, take it one service at a time!! I’ll try and list most of my apps/services etc.

    Phone running grapheneos

    Browser - vanadium (graphenes hardened browser)

    Maps - organic maps

    Mail - protonmai

    Calender - protonmail

    Notes - standard notes

    YouTube - newpipe

    App store -F-Droid

    Messaging - signal and threema

    File sync - syncthing

    Password managing - bitwarden

    Gallery - simple gallery

    Camera - stock grapheneos camera

    Ad blocking - 2 piholes setup

    And one of the hardest was google photos… Overcame that with self hosting photoprism… I have syncthing sync my camera roll to a hard drive attached to one of my raspberry pi… 3am it rsyncs to a permanent location, than rsync to another hard drive, than have a script that adds it to the photoprism library an hour later, sounds hectic but perfect once setup…

    And if you want to go even deeper and not use google or any other provider as your DNS, if you have a pi or any other computer running 24/7 can run your own recursive DNS resolver with unbound… Hope this helps some people, may have missed a few 😂

  • methodicalaspect
    121 year ago

    Nextcloud. You can set up a self-hosted instance, put it in a cloud provider’s environment, or use their Enterprise offering, depending on your level of expertise/budget.

      • methodicalaspect
        21 year ago

        I’m hosting it on a VM In my basement so I can’t vouch for them personally, but from what I’ve heard Hetzner is great for that sort of thing.

    • scarcer
      41 year ago

      I’ve got a couple next cloud instances running on Vultr. Highly recommended to host on a cheap service on SSD storage.

    • @this
      41 year ago

      Second this, especially if you are even remotely tech savy. You can use it for calendar, drive, contacts sync, notes, RSS feeds, and more. Also want to give a shutout to syncthing(FOSS peer to peer file sync).

    • milkytoastOP
      51 year ago

      proton drive is what i ended up doing. turns out i had literally one important document in docs lol

  • @[email protected]
    81 year ago

    If you don’t have the time/interest in setting up NextCloud, CryptPad replicates a lot of the functionality of Google Docs/Drive, though to get more 1GB of storage you will have to subscribe.

  • @burndown
    81 year ago

    Do you still use Android? I don’t feel like I can genuinely be off of Google until I find a way not to have them in my phone. Apple isn’t much better, especially for the featureset sacrifice

      • @this
        71 year ago

        I’m using a pixel with graphineos rn and its the best mobile experience I’ve ever had without using google products.

      • @burndown
        21 year ago

        How different is it? Just removing Alphabet software or does it start from scratch?

        • darcy
          31 year ago

          the android which most phones use is android+gapps (google apps), which is a closed source fork/distro of android made by google. base android and grapheneos (based on android 13) are open source. grapheneos does not have google play services, so most google apps will not work at all, but play services can be installed (although i dont recommend).

          • @burndown
            21 year ago

            So if you want graphene you either have to side load everything or use webapps? Or would side loading not even work?

            • darcy
              31 year ago

              If by side-loading you mean installing from a ‘non-trusted’ or ‘unofficial’ source (apps other than google play store), then yes, that is the only option. however, this is not much less convient or secure.

              There are a few ways to install apps (these should work with any Android phone, not just Grapheneos):

              • Any non-paid apps on google play can be installed using Aurora Store. supposedly you can use it without even logging in to google account (but i havent gotten that to work). Eg. Facebook

              • Most FOSS apps will be in the F-Droid repository, and can be installed with the F-Droid app, or other similar apps such as Droidify. Eg. K-9 Mail

              • If an app is not on the main F-Droid repo, alternative repositories can be added to your F-Droid client.

              • APKs (app packages) can be installed from the web. this is how F-Droid is usually installed for the first time. Eg. Signal is not available on F-Droid (for reasons)

              Basically, if you need a proprietery app like Facebook, use Aurora; if you need an open source app, look for it on F-Droid or download the APK. There are of course pros and cons of each method in terms of security and convenience.

      • milkytoastOP
        21 year ago

        i like my pixel features a bit too much lol. i have tried graphene os, an os build specifically for pixels, but there’s just so much stuff that google has in the software. it’s like the main reason i got a pixel

        • @[email protected]
          21 year ago

          Yeah, its hard to give it up for sure. I did it back in 2019 but it took me like 6 months to replace everything and learn new habbits. I still catch myself looking something up on google maps every so often. I still use youtube but only through newpipe

    • milkytoastOP
      21 year ago

      i mean i use a Google pixel, so it’s a bit tough to run away from google lol. but I’m doing my best

      • @Vendetta9076
        91 year ago

        GrapheneOS takes minutes to set up. Its awesome.

  • Sploosh the Water
    71 year ago

    The paid plans for Proton mail have Proton Drive which is pretty good so far.

    Nextcloud self-hosted if you have the technical know-how is also pretty nice. You could also set up a NAS and then use a VPN to access it from your phone/remote location.

  • @[email protected]
    71 year ago

    If you’re on Android, that’s probably the most important thing to consider first. Just using a phone with Google Play Services gives up a great deal of privacy, even if you think you’ve turned all that off.

    So, consider either an iPhone or if you’re really serious about this shit, GrapheneOS. The iPhone is easier for average people, but GrapheneOS is more private and you have more control. Both are better than Googled Android.

    For a Google Drive alternative, that’s simple. If you’re already using Proton, get ProtonDrive.

    For Google Docs alternative, that’s a bit more challenging. There aren’t any direct competitors with full end-to-end encryption that are any good and also cross-platform.

      • @[email protected]
        31 year ago

        Worse device depends on the user. In my mid-30s, I loved all the tweaks and options my Android phone gave me. Now, as I push 50, I find I want my phone to just work. iOS does that for me. I have a dozen other devices I can hack around on.

        • milkytoastOP
          31 year ago

          i agree that iphones just work. i just value customization a ton more. custom apks (cant get youtube revanced on ios) and whatnot

          • @[email protected]
            11 year ago

            Referring to YouTube Vanced specifically, there’s uYou+, which is basically Vanced for iOS. That being said it is still a total pain in the ass to sideload, since you have to reload it every week or it’ll stop working.

            • milkytoastOP
              21 year ago

              yep, that’s the main thing with iOS i feel. like android, they don’t care. want third party apps? go for it. how about a whole new os? we don’t care knock yourself out

  • damon
    61 year ago

    I would recommend Proton suite and Skiff Workplace

  • @[email protected]
    41 year ago

    Backblaze + rclone mount encrypted drive = e2e encrypted

    On Android RCX available in F-droid works as the rclone client.

    Collabora as the text editor on my phone. Libreoffice as my toolset on Linux.

    I prefer this to Google drive for everything except sharing files. Sharing can be done over email, but Google docs was nicer.

  • smajl
    41 year ago

    Moving to China is probably the easiest solution.

    • @[email protected]
      41 year ago

      I switched from kagi to searxng and haven’t really looked back yet. The only feature I miss is pinning search results from sites, but other than that… Nothing. It’s been a while since I switched though, so maybe they’ve added some compelling features