I have been trying to take my digital privacy more seriously as of late, but I find myself falling into a cycle of all-or-nothing. I will do a little bit to improve my privacy and then will suddenly feel like I need to go full-on down the rabbit hole. This leads to burnout, and then I’ll convince myself that it’s all futile and I should just use what’s most convenient.

How do you all find a balance that works for you? Or do you just change things constantly?

    2 years ago

    Accept that privacy is important, but being able to live normally is more important. That means if you have to choose between the two, you compromise and do the not-really-privacy-friendly thing.

    A common example might be WhatsApp. Depening on where you live and your circle of friends, not having it has serious real-world consequences - social exclusion, missing out on important information. If that’s your situation, you get it. You can still use Signal with any contact that has it and ask “do you have Signal instead” if someone offers you their WhatsApp contact and explain why you prefer it, but absolutism doesn’t work.