Howdy, I recently gave some new life to an old 1980s raleigh road bike that I found on craigslist turned into a commuter. The tires are somewhat old, and I’m looking into replacing them. Would you recommend any different sizes for the wheels? Brands to look for? It’s not a common size tire on modern bikes. Also, I currently have 700 x 35c inner tubes in the tires. Is that an issue or will they work just fine for now? They were provided to me by my local bike shop.
So I linked below what is most likely not the best tires out there but they are a really good deal. A friend of mine recently was fixing up a bike of a similar age and used those them. Shopping&gclid=Cj0KCQjw7aqkBhDPARIsAKGa0oLxOWiaQZHnAC_o9cxtRGtOv_FgFEkl7c-F2Nwb4co_V4MjKwiLQFwaAlwNEALw_wcB