More than 160 Christians were killed and 500 wounded in Nigeria on Christmas Day as radical Islamic terrorists struck in several predominantly Christian villages – killing men, women, and children.

      1 year ago

      There’s a particular rhetorical strategy I’m increasingly learning to identify with your help. It’s called minimization.

      I’ve identified a pattern of Christian exceptionalism and clearly juxtaposed it against the attention-whoring, as you call it, of the Satanic Temple.

      You implicitly disagree by maintaining it’s not Christian exceptionalism (after all, you’re an atheist), they’re just trying to celebrate a holiday. You ignore the activity of zealous Christians altogether. They’re faultless not because they’re not trying to make Christianity the state religion, nor because they and they alone can discriminate against same-sex couples, nor because they want their religious icons in government buildings, nor because they want Bible study after school programs to the exclusion of other religious programs—no, no, it’s because…they’re trying to party. Thus, complex legal strategems that take years to manufacture and construct and represent a danger to American democracy are minimized to a celebration. And the self-described Satanists are the party poopers.

      It’s good stuff. I genuinely appreciate your help.