I feel like I missed a lot of master classes since there are so many. What was your favorite class (/emblem pair) that absolutely dominated, or was just too fun?

  • @[email protected]
    31 year ago

    Ironically my most dominant unit in either of my playthroughs was my Warrior Anna paired with Tiki. Granted, Tiki will make any unit good (I gave Tiki to Jean in my second playthrough and he was almost as dominant) but I don’t think she really needed Tiki, she would have dominated anyway. Legions of nobles and trained soldiers, outperformed by a child. Lyn was another emblem who made both the units I gave her to into monsters: Ivy with her unique class in playthrough 1 and Bow Knight Etie in playthrough 2. Diamant in his unique class was also really good, with either Ike or Roy.

    • @SakaiSamaOP
      21 year ago

      Unfortunately no dlc for me :( Lyn is working wonders for me on Yunaka, I didn’t even think to put her on a mage. I’ll give diamant a shot, tbh I’m not sure why he’s on the bench right now, other than too many swordsmen

  • Eskuero
    31 year ago

    I actually haven’t used it but I love the design of Halberdiers

    • @SakaiSamaOP
      21 year ago

      Yeah I haven’t run them yet either. Maybe I’ll swap goldmary into it

    • @[email protected]
      111 months ago

      I maxed out Jean in Hero class before switching him into Halberdier and giving him refined/engraved Brionac. He always went with Roy for Rise Above and Holdout. I gave him Vantage++ and Dual Assist+ or switched in Wrath and Pair Up and he could pretty much solo any skirmish map. Highly recommended, will use again.