Maine’s secretary of state said she has received threats in the wake of her decision to remove former President Trump from the ballot under the 14th Amendment on Friday.

“I was prepared for the possibility of threats, and I really appreciate law enforcement and the people around me who have been incredibly supportive of my safety and security,” Shenna Bellows (D) said during a Friday appearance on CNN. “My safety and security is important, so is the safety and security of everyone who works with me and we have received threatening communications.”

“Those are unacceptable,” Bellows continued.

  • @[email protected]
    6 months ago

    We should always expect violence from conservatives. Always. Any amount of resistance to conservative oppression will be met with violence and threats. This has been true throughout history.

    Conservatism cannot be cured by pacifism. Expect violence and threats. Never let conservative violence stop you from doing the right thing.

  • @[email protected]
    266 months ago

    Using violence, or the threat of violence, to affect the course of politics, that’s the definition of terrorisim, is it not?

    • @[email protected]
      86 months ago

      Not if you’re a Republican, then it’s “free speech” and “exercising your rights.”

      The only true terrorism is calling christofascist terrorism bad.

  • Matt
    206 months ago

    “We are witnessing, in real-time, the attempted theft of an election and the disenfranchisement of the American voter,” Trump campaign spokesperson Steven Cheung said. “Make no mistake, these partisan election interference efforts are a hostile assault on American democracy.”

    Living up to the GOP (Gaslight Obstruction Projection) standards!

    • @[email protected]
      106 months ago

      They are masters of DARVO. Everyone from those in the very elitist echelons of their party, to the fascist bullhorns that they call “news”, right on down to the dumbest members of the base, who are at least capable of mumbling the DARVO talking points they are given to parrot.

  • ForestOrca
    176 months ago

    Here’s a thought, how about we flood her office with thanks? I mean if there are 10,000 thank you letters and 10 stupid, incriminating threat letters, wouldn’t that be better?

    • @[email protected]
      6 months ago

      Likely unwise. I want the 10 illegals to get charged, not have the chances of overloading mail rooms and ability to adequately sift through it all be bogged down. 10,010 letters saying mostly great things make for an easier situation to miss the 1 who acts on the threat.

  • AutoTL;DRB
    96 months ago

    This is the best summary I could come up with:

    Maine’s secretary of state said she has received threats in the wake of her decision to remove former President Trump from the ballot under the 14th Amendment on Friday.

    “I was prepared for the possibility of threats, and I really appreciate law enforcement and the people around me who have been incredibly supportive of my safety and security,” Shenna Bellows (D) said during a Friday appearance on CNN.

    On Thursday, Bellows said she had concluded the former president “over the course of several months and culminating on January 6, 2021, used a false narrative of election fraud to inflame his supporters and direct them to the Capitol to prevent certification of the 2020 election and the peaceful transfer of power.” Bellows’ decision made Maine the second state to take such an action, after the Colorado Supreme Court last week via a 4-3 ruling.

    The weight of the evidence makes clear that Mr. Trump was aware of the tinder laid by his multi-month effort to delegitimize a democratic election, and then chose to light a match.”

    Trump’s campaign has denounced the decision and called Bellows a “virulent leftist and a hyper-partisan Biden-supporting Democrat.”

    “We are witnessing, in real-time, the attempted theft of an election and the disenfranchisement of the American voter,” Trump campaign spokesperson Steven Cheung said.

    The original article contains 312 words, the summary contains 216 words. Saved 31%. I’m a bot and I’m open source!

  • Андрей Быдло
    96 months ago

    Is there a legal procedure to voluntary tap own phone so all these things get tracked better and timely beforehand? If a public official knows they’d be soon targeted by a harassment campaign, might as well give up some privacy to ensure evidence against threatening individuals is collected as soon as possible.

    • @[email protected]
      6 months ago

      Yes, this would be a great way to draw some of them out and get them in prison, ideally. Not only would it keep them from joining an even larger organized violent effort, it would likely keep them from voting, too. win-win.

  • @[email protected]
    66 months ago

    Not surprising, given we are talking about the party/movement filled with fascists, oops, I mean, “law and order” types.

    • Clay_pidgin
      66 months ago

      Disenfranchised suggests they can’t vote. They can still vote for whomever they want, as long as that person is not disqualified by the Constitution. Gotta be a hundred million Americans over 35 they could write in there.

    • @Captainvaqina
      66 months ago

      So you don’t believe in the constitution? Or do you just wanna cherry pick the parts you like.

      • @OnlyTakesLs
        -86 months ago

        I do. She doesnt. Innocent until proven guilty.

        • @Captainvaqina
          36 months ago

          Besides the fact that we ALL saw that fucking traitor lead an insurrection in an attempt to overthrow democracy in the United States, 14th amendment section 3 does NOT require a conviction.

          If you still support seditionist trump at this point, you are an active enemy of the US and of the majority of Americans.

          • @OnlyTakesLs
            -56 months ago

            You mean the one where he explicitly told them to go home, he called for the national guard, they failed to show up for hours despite being stationed in DC, the rioters did not bring any guns into the building, and security literally waved them in and gave them a tour?

            Man, you’re just ignorant.

            • @Captainvaqina
              36 months ago

              Oh look you hit every single talking point that the traitors gave you to parrot. Too bad the underlying facts have escaped your child-like understanding of the Jan 6th domestic terrorist attack.

              If you had half a brain you could see the signs of an orchestrated assault on America and its constitution.

              But you’re too busy spreading lies and half truths to see reality. The truth is that your fuhrer deserves nothing less than a traitor’s fate for his OBVIOUS attempt to subvert democracy.

              • @OnlyTakesLs
                -36 months ago

                Can you explain any of the ralking points? Seems to me there was no coup, just looking at the facts.

                But I guess the left doesnt like facts and science and reality in general when it suits them

                • @Captainvaqina
                  26 months ago

                  Lmfao. Fucking delusional reality denier. Does it hurt trying to reconcile your fantasies with objective reality? Nah, I bet not. You don’t even try to dig your psyche out from under the weight of traitor trump’s bullshit lies. You’re completely lost.

                  And that second sentence, wow that’s hilariously fucking rich coming from the luddites who refuse to recognize the very real and very quickly approaching threat of global climate change.